English Literature Throughout Time
- Created by: Isobelella
- Created on: 29-05-15 11:03
Medieval 1300 - late 1400s
Historical Context
- Life dominated by church and king
- You live where you are born
- Uneducated majority
- Invention of the printing press
- Crusades
- extreem rich vs. extreem poor
Key Themes and Ideas
- Chivilric Romances
- Mystery/Morality plays
- explicit and humerous portrayles of sex
- vernacular languages
- Courtly Love
- love is an overwhelming experience
- idealisation of the woman
- spiritual experience
- transforming effect
Medieval 1300 - late 1400s
Key Texts
The Miller’s Tale- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Male characters suffer consequences of actions fuelled by love/lust/greed
- Effictio and lovesickness used to describe Absolon
- Alison described through animal imagery
- Irony
- Allusions to the bible
- Absolon takes literature too seriously
Renaissance 1500-1688
Historical Context
- Economic growth
- Start of scientific knowledge
- 'Rebirth'
- Humanism
Key Themes and Ideas
- tragedies
- comedies
- sonnets
- classical verse
- allegorical poetry
Renaissance 1500-1688
Key Texts
Sonnet 130- William Shakespeare
- 'My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun'
- Parody of Petrachian Sonnet
- He loves her because of her ordinariness
Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare
- Conversation forms a perfect, unified sonnet
- Religious imagery ‘saints’ extended metaphor
Elizabethan 1558-1603
Historical Context
- Severe punishment for treason
- Golden age
- Threat of war- Spanish Armada
- Geographical and intellectual exploration
- High class has idealistic ideas about pastoral life
Key Themes and Ideas
- courtly love poetry
- 'Ode to...' Lengthy, lyrical and reflective poem
- Sharing poems in court
- Young men expected to produce love poems
- Metaphysical poetry
Elizabethan 1558-1603
Key Texts
Anthony and Cleopatra- Shakespeare
- Hyperbolic language
- Questionable love
- Melting imagery
Jacobean 1603-1625
Historical Context
- Parliamentary revolt
- Gunpowder plot
- Debt caused severe economic depression
Key Themes and Ideas
- metaphysical poetry
- revenge tragedy
- Dark mood
- Questioning the stability of social order
- Acid satire
Jacobean 1603-1625
Key Texts
The Sun Rising- John Donne
- Realistic
- Colloquial language
- Arrogant yet relaxed
- Their love is invincible
- Centre of their own universe
Restoration 1660-1685
Historical Context
- Puritans left for America
- Civil war
- Return of theatre
- Monarchy restored
- Hedonism
- Social ambition
Key Themes and Ideas
- Social comedy
- Bawdy, Cynical, Amoral
- Reaction against restriction
- Cavalier Poets:
- Carpe diem
- Short lyric poems
- Underlying sense of eroticism
- Money and marriage
- Dramatic irony
- Jokes about country people
Restoration 1660-1685
Key Texts
‘To Celia’ by Ben Johnson
- ******
- Angelic power
- ‘thirst’
Regency 1700-1760
Historical Context
- Achievements in art and architecture
- Upper class mini-Renaissance of culture
- Fashionable novels
- Polite society
Key Themes and Ideas
- satire
- political essays
- invention of the novel
- female readership
Regency 1700-1760
Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
- Money is power
- Sensibility is looked down on
- Social rules
Remember Thee!-Lord Byron
- Male is central to relationship
- Relationship is central to life
The Enlightenment 1760-1820
Historical Context
- Dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy and politics
- Individualism over tradition
- French Revolution inspired
- Increase in the literate
- Egalitarianism, Rationalism
- More goods produced for less money
- Chances for social climbing
- Book industry
- Coffeehouses allowed for intellectual discussion
- Human rights enshrined by law
- Seperation of church from state
Key Themes and Ideas
- passion and imagination
- worship of nature
The Enlightenment 1760-1820
To His Coy Mistress- Andrew Marvell
- Pursuit of a woman
- Theme of death associated with virginity
- ‘birds of prey’
Romantic 1800-1850
Historical Context
- The industrial revolution
- Natural sciences
- Liberalism and radicalism
- Aesthetic experience
Key Themes and Ideas
- Sensibility
- Supernatural
- The gothic novel
- Increase in female authors and readers
- Nature
- Celebration of childhood
- Idealism
Romantic 1800-1850
Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
- mocking of Marianne, an idealistic teenager, through free indirect narration
To Helen- Edgar Allen Poe
- Mythological imagery
- Praise
- Nature imagery
- Religious imagery
Victorian 1837-1901
Historical Context
- British Empire
- Darwinism
- Role of women
- Changing attitudes to science religion and culture
- Social issues of class
Key Themes and Ideas
- Duty
- Morality
- Fear of the unknown
- Romanticism
- The gothic
- Crime fiction
- Visions of the future
Victorian 1837-1901
No, Thank You, John-Christina Rossetti
- Woman rejecting man
Queen of Gardens- John Ruskin
- ‘protected from danger and temptation’
- Gender roles
A Woman of No Importance- Oscar Wilde
- Religion is love
Edwardian 1901-1910
Historical Context
- Large British Empire
- Build up to WWI and the Titanic
- Suffragettes
Key Themes and Ideas
- questioning beliefs
- art for art’s sake
- experimentalism
Key Texts
House of Mirth- Edith Wharton
- Social rules
- Actions rather than words
Modernism 1910-1952
Historical Context
- Abstract thought
- pop art
- minimalism
- Marxism
- World Wars
Key Themes and Ideas
- science fiction
- social and personal identity
- feminism
- Experimental
- Deliberate obscurity
- Breakdown of traditional values
- More equality between men and women
- Freedom to express desires
- Realistic attitude towards love
- Less conventional and more personal poetry
- The theatre of the absurd
Modernism 1910-1952
Key Texts
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- High class
- Obsessive love
- Careless attitudes towards life
Post-Modernism 1952-
Historical Context
- Sceptical interpretations of life
- Growing media impact
Key Themes and Ideas
- randomness
- binary oppositions
- Criticism of religion
- Black humor and deliberate irony
- Formlessness
- Pastiche
- Populism
- Meta fiction
Post-Modernism 1952-
Key Texts
Widow- Sylvia Plath
Margaret Atwood
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