English Food Anthology
Summary of texts within the AS level Food Anthology - 2012 course
- Created by: Becca
- Created on: 15-05-12 10:03
Text 1 - The Butcher's Shop
Purpose - Influence/entertain
Methods -
- Direct address = confrontational tone
- Declarative
- No images = looks serious
- Connotes meat with death = meaty smile -> cinister
- Pragmatics = suggests blame but never says exactly what she means
- Animals are portrayed as defenceless = "strung"
- Highly descriptive = sympathy
Could be compared to -
- Beef Stroganoff - Text 8 - one is confrontational, one is friendly
- Nigella - Text 17 - One demotes, one promotes
Text 2 - Eating Out
Purpose - Entertain -> poignant
Methods -
- Consistent structure = couplets -> last line stands alone... like the daughter
- Enjambment = telling a story
- Pragmatics = dominance... "supervised" "but did the ordering"
- Adjectives connote dislike of "Eating Out" = "indigestable" - hard to take it all in
Could be compared to -
- The Sweet Menu - Text 3 - both negative experiences of food in similar environments
- Glory Glory Be to Chocolate - Text 8 - one dislikes luxury, one promotes/ loves it
Text 3 - The Sweet Menu
Purpose - Entertain
Methods -
- Internal monologue = italicised words are speech = sense of sarcasm
- Connotations of being artificial = "but the flower is plastic" -> connotes the situation -> "looks good in the light" -> about looking good not being genuine
- Structured in couplets = except last line -> "it hasn't come to much" -> reference to the price and the experience in general = ambiguous ending
- Internal monologue = complex and specific
- Speech = basic and functional
Could be compared to -
- Eating Out - Text 2 - both negative experiences of food in similar environments
Text 4 - Grandpa's Soup
Purpose - Entertain
Methods -
- Structed as the narrator's train of thought
- Stanza one = talking about the soup - Stanza two = talking about Grandpa
- Repetition of "perfect" = connotes idolising Grandpa
- Colloquial language = says things as she remembers them -> "Barley! That's the name of the wee soft bits. Barley."
- Enjambment = "your soup is the best [new line] soup in the whole world." -> Makes "best" stand out
Could be compared to -
- John Torode - both reminisce the memories associated with food
Text 5 - The Coming of Yams and Mangoes and Mounta
Purpose - Entertain
Methods -
- Personification = "Caribbean hills have moved..." "Sun's..."
- Movement of food connotes multi-culturalism - movement of people = "Breadfruit a green football,"
- Cultural contrasts = "hidden sunset" and "London baskets" "Red buses pass for donkeys now,"
- Imagery mirrors change = "grown into long shapes. [New Line] Others grew fisty and knobbled."
- Listing = excitement/ enthusiasm and appreciation - "chocho, okra, sweetsop, soursop, sorrel - "
Could be compared to -
- John Torode - Text 9 - Both about how views of food have changed
Text 6 - Glory Glory Be to Chocolate
Purpose - Entertain
Methods -
- Links chocolate to glory = "Glory" -> heavenly?
- Juxtaposition = "Naughty But Nice"
- Enjambment = poem flows which connotes the silkiness and smoothness of the chocolate
- Stanzas get shorter = 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1 -> connotes excitement changing to satisfaction
- Personification - "descendants of Theobroma Cacao,"
Could be compared to -
- Eating Out - Text 2 - one dislikes luxury, one promotes/ loves it
- Grandpa's Soup - Text 4 - both demonstrate a love and positive view of the food they describe
Text 7 - Receipt to make Soup
Purpose - Instruct/ inform
Methods -
- Imperative sentences = instruction
- Permissive sentences = satirical - telling a clergyman he "can" steal
- Last 4 sentences break rhyme scheme = reflects time for simmering the dish
- Pun on double meaning = "Will it fill Dean and Chapter!" - to be full or to be content
- Finale of poem = "!" - represents completion of dish
- Simplistic = mostly monosyllabic words
Could be compared to -
- Nigella - Text 17 - Both instruct on how to make a dish of some kind
- "A Modest Proposal" Extract - Text 22 - Both have satirical tones
Text 8 - Beef Stroganoff
Purpose - Advertise/ persuade
Methods -
- Structured like a recipe - ingredients listed and instructions provided
- Direct Address - friendly tone -> talks to the reader ... encouraging but not confrontational
- Light-hearted, humour = "you can serve it with fresh country vegetables but I find it easier to use a large spoon."
- Use of images to promote = includes a picture of the Bisto product - endorsement
- Subtle advertising = Bisto granules are not first on the list of ingredients
Could be compared to -
- The Butcher's Shop - Text 1 - one is confrontational, one is friendly
- 'Jonathan Crisp' packaging - Text 23 - both advertisements - one is "typical", one is disguised / more subtle
Text 9 - Why We All Need To Eat Red Meat - John To
Purpose - Inform
Methods -
- Colloquial language = "stuff" - comfortable tone - not confrontational
- Rhetorical questions = "but was it?" - makes the reader think
- Exaggeration = "We ate platters of it," - persuasive device
- Personal Experience = relates to the topic
- Use of images = complements the topic discussed in the article
- Use of facts = persuasive device - more likely to be believed
- Counter-argument provided = seems more knowledgeable about the topic and not so biased
Could be compared to -
- Vegetarian Society - Text 11 - Both online resources. one supports eating meat - the other does not
- Grandpa's Soup - Text 4 - both reminisce the memories associated with food
Text 10 - Tripe
Purpose - Inform
Methods -
- Readers' reactions will depend upon whether they are aware of / like tripe
- Vague introduction to keep people interested
- Specific audience but accessible to those without experience of Tripe
- Objective view
- Full explanation legitimates the point made about the food
- Simple syntax
- Graphology = subheadings - easy to follow
- Inferred meanings = Tripe is 'misunderstood' - perceptions of the food have affected sales and enjoyment
Could be compared to -
- 'Olive' Review Article - Text 12 - One is objective, one is subjective
Text 11 - Understanding and respect for vegetarian
Purpose - Inform
Methods -
- Bullet points = easy to follow - step-by-step
- Use of images = makes it more personal as they are followed by quotes from those people - personal experiences
- Use of imperative sentence starters = suggest knowledge - "try," "buy,"
- Permissive sentences= "if it suits you..." suggests possibility, not force
- Neutral colours = does not look offensive to the eye
Could be compared to -
- John Torode - Text 9 - Both online articles. One promotes meat - the other does not
Text 12 - 'Olive' Pizza Review
Purpose - Inform/ persuade
Methods -
- Graphology = use of columns - article layout
- Use of images = demonstrate what is being described in the review
- Subheadings = easy to navigate and follow
- Easy - to - find ratings = bold, orange font for quick access
- Informal; yet knowledgeable = "tomatoey" "reassuring air pockets"
- Subjective review - opinions = but includes objective restaurant information e.g. prices, locations and contact details
- Use of present tense = the reader feels involved - "topping is a little stingy"
Could be compared to -
- Tripe - Text 10 - One is objective, one is subjective
Text 13 - Review of The Modern, Manchester
Purpose - Inform/ persuade
Methods -
- Play on the word "trouper" in the title = 'reliable, uncomplaining, hard-working person' or 'trooper' e.g. associated with army
- Graphology = images and columns - article format
- Use of oxymorons = "sublimely charmless" - sarcastic tone
- Colloquial language = "pud" - relates to the reader in a friendly way
- Direct address = "you" - speaks directly to the reader
- One column is all about his car breaking down (the general experience) which suggests something mundane like a car breaking down deserves to be spoken about and is more interesting than his restaurant experience
Could be compared to -
- 'Olive' Restaurant Review - Text 12 - Both reviews - one is more satirical
Text 14 - The Modern Menu
Purpose - Inform/ persuade
Methods -
- Persuasive language = "fat cut chips" ... instead of "chips"
- Objective-looking description = you get what's described
- Informative document = description helps customer make a choice
- Subheadings and columns = easy to follow - ease of access
- Important information/ specific information is shown in boxes so that it stands out
- Neutral fonts = accessible to all customers
Could be compared to -
- Any of Texts 1-6 - they contain elaborate description - this does not
- 'Jonathan Crisp' Packaging - Text 23 - one is typically persuasive, the other is objectively persuasive