English - Anthology
- Created by: Drewpydoodle
- Created on: 03-05-15 17:58
Brendan Gallacher
Meaning: About a child's imaginary friend and the child living/creating a more interesting life, possibly poorer life, and then the loss of innocence.
Imagery: Loads. Cat burgler, image of the childhood innocence, imagery of poverty, imagery of Brendan.
Tone/Themes: The past, loss, innocence, childhood, chance and poverty.
Structure: Regular 5 line stanzas, some rhyme, some repetition, shorter lines in the last stanza.
Form: Dramatic monologue, 1st person.
Language Points: Scottish dialect, possessive pronoun 'my'; repetition; alliteration and ryhme; adjectives of 'spikey' and 'impish'
Poems to compare to: 'Hunchback...' for imagination; 'On a portrait of a Deaf Man' for loss; 'Les Grandes Seigneurs' for change.
Casehistory: Alison (head injury)
Meaning: About a girl who has brain damage cause by an accident. She looks at a photo of herself, thinking it was someone else.
Imagery: A constrast between the past and present Alison.
Tone/Themes: Past, present, loss, damage.
Structure: 9 3-lined stanzas with the middle line longer.
Form: Dramatic monologue.
Language Points: Caesura, enjambment.
Poems to compare to: 'Hunchback...' for diability; 'On a portrait...' for past and present.
Meaning: About homeless people and how people see beggars.
Imagery: "To make a scene" is negative.
Tone/Themes: Identity; sarcasm "That's big of you"
Structure: 5 regular stanzas of 2 or 3 lines.
Form: Dramatic Monologue.
Language Points: Semanic field, repetition of choice, romance and irony.
Poems to compare to: 'LGS' -Ironic tone.
Meaning: A women has been turned into a gorgon because of jealousy. Thinks her husband is cheating.
Imagery: Danger "bullet of tears", jealousy, turning poeple into stone.
Tone/Themes: Jealousy and power.
Structure: 7 stanzas of 5 or 6 lines.
Form: Dramatic monologue.
Language Points: Metaphors, seimic fields, repetition, alliteration, assonance and imperatives.
Poems to compare to: 'Clown Punk' -Visual imagery and 'Singh Song' -Alitteration and rhyme.
Meaning: About a man who sees the remains of a statue. 'Ozymandias' means 'to rule air'
Imagery: 'vast' structure and isolated from everything.
Tone/Themes: Power does not last forever, you cannot beat time, decay.
Structure: No separate stanzas, 14 lines split by puncuation.
Form: Sonnect, 14 lines.
Language Points: Metaphors, power of three and alitteration.
Poems to compare to: 'My Last Duchess' for power; 'River God' built around a character.
The Horse Whisperer
Meaning: About a man who tames horses but gets driven away after believing they used witchcraft.
Imagery: Strong relationship between man and horse and superstition.
Tone/Themes: Change, loss and negativity "my gifts were the tools or revenge".
Structure: Free verse composition, stanzas shorten by one line each time.
Form: Monologue
Language Points: Metaphors, caesuras and enjambment.
Poems to compare to: 'Medusa' for revenge; 'Checking Out Me History' for historical characters.
Les Grandes Seigneurs
Meaning: The relationship between man and women and romantic love.
Imagery: Phallic "bedded" and romantic.
Tone/Themes: Courtly love
Structure: Four stanzas, first 3 describe romantic love.
Language Points: Power of three, alliteration, caesura.
Poems to compare to: 'Medusa' - Unexpected view on relationships.
Clown Punk
Meaning: An acount of a tattooed, slightly tragic character.
Imagery: The man's inked skin and makes you sympathetic.
Tone/Themes: A character to fear or laugh out, dismissive tone.
Structure: Single stanza 24 lines.
Form: Shakepearean sonnet.
Language Points: Some of the vocabulary is 'Northen', "town clown" makes him sound comical.
Poems to compare to: 'Horse Whisperer' - unusual character, 'Give' - Physical details.
Singh Song
Meaning: A young married man who manages his father's shop bu sneaks upstairs to his wife.
Imagery: Metaphors used to describe the wife, shop is romantic.
Tone/Themes: Love of a wife and husband, stereotypical views.
Structure: 13 irregular stanzas.
Form: Song - Strong lyrical voice.
Language Points: Similes, Indian dialect, semantic field, metaphors.
Poems to compare to: 'Checking Out Me History' - Non standard spellings.
On A Portrait of a Deaf Man
Meaning: About memories of his dead father, there is a contrast is positive and negative.
Imagery: Changes your mood from happy to sad, happy to sad.
Tone/Themes: Loss, lack of faith, death.
Structure: Eight stanzas in a ballad metre.
Form: An elegy - Sad poem about a dead man.
Language Points: Metaphors, power of three, alliteration.
Poems to compare to: 'Casehistory...' - Before and after.
The Hunchback in the Park
Meaning: A man who spends his life in a park, isolated for being different mentally and physically.
Imagery: Sympathy for the main character.
Tone/Themes: Sympathy, moral, mean children.
Structure: Looks regular but puncuation is irregular.
Form: 7 stanzas of 6 lines each.
Language Points: Similes, repetition, power of three.
Poems to compare to: 'Ruined Maid' and 'Casehistory'.
The River God
Meaning: Not to underestimate the power of the river.
Imagery: Language is like a river itself, "beautiful" is repetited.
Tone/Themes: Power of nature.
Structure: One stanza with irregular line structure.
Form: Dramatic monologue.
Language Points: Repetition and metaphors.
Poems to compare to: 'Ozymandias' - One clear, strong voice.
The Ruined Maid
Meaning: A farm worker meets an old friend who became a prostitute.
Imagery: First parts contrast later parts.
Tone/Themes: Admiration, women in society.
Structure: Six, four-lined stanzas.
Form: Dramatic monologue.
Language Points: Metaphors, repeition.
Poems to compare to: 'River God' - Personal voice.
Checking Out My History
Meaning: Challenging th view and teachings of history.
Imagery: Nature metaphors, references to nursery rhymes.
Tone/Themes: Rebellious, Celebratory.
Structure: Alternates between two structures, marked by different fonts.
Form: Dramatic Monologue.
Language Points: Words associated with light metaphorically illuminate the poets identity.
Poems to compare to: 'Give' - Both want change.
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