Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The higher the temerature of an object, the more radiation it emits.
An object that has a constant temperature, emits radiation across a continuous range of wave lengths.
Black Body Radiation
Black body radiation absorbs all the radiation that hits it, this makes it the best possible emitter.
A light, shiny outer surface emits a lot less radiation than a dark, matt surface
The Sun and the Earth
The sun emits lots of electromagnetic radiation but the eartth blocks the harmful radiation. However it doesn't block infrared radiation or light from the sun.
The earths temperature depends on absorption of infrared radiation from the sun and the emmission of radiation from the Earth's surfsce and atmosphere.
Key points
The temperature of an object increases if it ansorbd more radiation than it emits
The hotter the objest, the more infrared radiation it emits.
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