1550, Dissoltion of the Chantries gave regime money, and attack on Catholic doctrine of Purgatory.
Iconoclasm- taking down images, alters.
Abolition of some Catholic ceremonies..
First English Prayer Book 1549- aimed to introduce English services, conservatives realised they could use the book and keep Catholic beliefs- mumbling priests. Enforced by Act of Uniformity 1549.
Western and Kett's Rebellion 1549 were Catholic rebellions against Protestant changes, but didn't pose a huge threat.
Overthrown in Northumberland's coup d'etat and executed in 1552.
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Under Northumberland 1550-53
Lord President- achieved more because of his drive, determination and his use of privy council.
New Ordinal for ordination of priests emphasised importance of preaching.
His Privy Council reforms carry weight; Second English Prayer Book 1552-highlighted new Protestant rules such as removal of alters and Catholic doctrine like transubstantiation.
Northumberland attempts long term change; Forty-two Articles 1553- stressed importance of bible and Protestant doctrine like Predestination; the belief that God had already chosen who would be saved. Ignored by the mumbling bishops and priests clinging to the Catholic mass.
Somerset and Northumberland were seemingly contradictory, confusing people.
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Edward VI
1552 contracted measles and small pox. Also had TB.
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