Economics, Chapter 1 The Market System
- Created by: Meggiemoo12
- Created on: 13-02-16 17:55
Part 1
Market contains ; Producers & Consumers ( Supply, Demand )
Business that sells to consumers ; Retailer ----> Coop
Stock Exchange/Share ; Sharing of the ownership of a company, companies owned by 'Shareholders' ----> Apple Shares = 1000$
Mortgage ; A loan from the bank for housing, an amount of money you borrow and eventually payback
Interest ; A certain amount of 'extra' money which has to be added on top of the money you have loaned
Demand = Infinite, Supply = Finite
Price High = demand low, Price low = demand high
REMEMBER ; 'Schedule' means table in economics
Part 2
Both verbs used to describe change in demand curve = 'Extends' and 'Contracts'
The only factor that can influence the demand curve ; Price
Price and Quantity demanded = Inversely related ----> Not the same direction
Demand curve is drawn as a straight line
Extension on demand curve ; Price goes down, quantity demanded goes up
Contraction on demand curve ; Price goes up, quantity demanded goes down
Part 3
Income goes down = Demand goes down, Income goes up = Demand goes up
Special Symbol for income ; 'Y'
Both direct and indirect taxes = Influence demand
Advertising influences demand ; Good D goes up, bad D goes down
Population influences demand ; Age, size, and ethnicity
Tastes and Fashion influence demand ; Change increases D for certain products
Substitutes influence demand ; Amounts and quality of similar types of goods
Comeplement influence demand ; Goods have to be bought with others to work
Interest rates influence demand ; High interest rates D goes down, Low interst rates D goes up
Part 4
Movement along the Supply Curve ; Extension or Contraction ----> Caused by price
When there is a verticle Supply Curve ; Fixed supply ----> Events with fixed amount of space
The goal for Suppliers = Smallest quantity for highest price
Quantity goes up = Price goes up for better profit
Part 5
Factors affecting Supply ; Costs of production = Businesses
Factors affecting Supply ; Indirect taxes = Taxes rise = less supply and vise versa
Factors affecting Supply ; Natural Factors = Weather, disasters ----> Farming
Factors affecting Supply ; Prices of other goods = Choice made in order to gain a larger profit
Factors affecting Supply ; Changes in Technology = Supply more for less ----> Vaccines
Factors affecting Supply ; Subsidies = Government help which increases supply in a business
Factors affecting Supply ; Price = Rise in price of a good + Rise in demand = Rise in Supply
Costs of production affect supply = Raw materials. electricity, storage, wages , etc ...
Part 6
Equation for total revenue = Price x Quantity = Total revenue ( a x b = c )
Equation for Profit = Revenue - Costs = Profit ( a - b = c )
The equilibrium price ; Changes if there is a change in Demand or Supply
Supply goes up ----> Price goes down, Demand does not change ( Vise versa )
Demand goes up ----> Prices go up, Supply does not change ( Vise versa )
Shifts in Supply and Demand can happen at the same time
Graphs can be drawn as to show greater change in quantity than change in price ( example )
If price in Market is below the Equilibirum price= Supply and demand will not be equal ----> Excess demand
If price in Market is above the Equilobirum price = Supply and demand will not be equal ----> Excess Supply
Part 7
Factors Affecting price elastictiy of demand ; Availability of substitutes, Degree of necessity, Proportion of income spent on product, time period
Availability of substitutes = Products with close substitutes tend to have elastic demand
Degree of necesssity = Goods considered 'essential' will have inelastic demand ----> Fuel
Proportion of income spent on product = Amounts of income spent fluctuating for products
Time period = In short term goods have inelastic demand while long term demand is elastic
On graphs ; More toards horizontal = Elastic, More towards veritcal = Inelastic
Equation to meaure PED ; % change in quantity demanded : % change in price
Perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic demand do not exist
Elastic = >1, Inelastic = <1
Part 8
Formula to calculate PES ; % Change in quantity supplied : % Change in price
<1 = Inelastic, >1 = Elastic
Perfectly ineslatic = Vertical, Perfectly elastic = Horizontal
Any straight line that passes through the origin ; Has a price elasticity equal to 1
Unitary price elasticity theory ; 1% Change in quantity = 1% Change in price
Factors affecting PES ; Stock levels, production speed, spare capacity, ease of entry into the Market
Stock levels ; High Price of holding stocks = Inelastic, Stocks that can be held= Elastic
Production speed ; Goods that can be produced quickly= Elastic, Slow production=Inelastic
Spare capacity ; If fully capicity is reached = Inelastic as they can not increase output
Ease of entry into the market ; Not being able to enter the industry = Inelastic ( Vise versa )
Part 11
Resources are reffered to as ; 'The four factors of production'
The four factors of production are ; Land, Labour, Capital, and enterprise
Types of resources ; Valuable and Adequate
The 3 big economic questions are ; What to produce, How to produce, For whom to produce
Supply = What you can produce
Demand = What people want
REMEMBER ; Even where resources exist, a country may not be capable of exploiting them
Part 12
The 3 types of economy are ; Market or free, Mixed, Command or planned
REMEMBER ; In the case of market failure the government produces private sector goods
Consumer goods = Private sector, not payed for through taxes
Private sector goal ; Maximise quality, minimise cost
Public sector goal ; Governmental organisations decide how to produce efficiently
Private sectors can work for public sectors ----> Roads built on command of governement with workers from private sector
Efficiency = Lowest cost possible of production, Minimising resources needed to produce, only producing amounts needed
ISSUE : Public sectors lack efficiency due to lack of competition
Market Failure ; When markets lead to inefficiency
Part 12.2
Market failure is caused by ; Lack of efficiency, Externalities, Lack of competition, Missing markets, Lack of information, Factor immobility
Lack of efficiency = High costs of production, too many resources used, Not needed goods
Externalities = Firms not taking into account all of the costs of production, cost to a third party
Lack of competition = Prices are too high and demand doesn't change
Missing markets = Where a market does not exist for a certain service or product
Lack of information = Mistakes amde by businesses causing costs to rise
Factor immobility = For example when machinery does not work in any other area but a one particular factory and that factory shuts down, It is a waste ( Factor immobility )
Part 27
Central Governement departments : Controlled by teams or boards led by a governement minister ----> Ministry of defence ( Responisble for armed forces )
Local authorities services : Local authority run services, run by councillors who are elected by local community residents ----> Libraries, sports halls, fire and police services
Other public sector organisations : Run by a trust or board lead by an experienced expert appointed by a governement body, mostly funded by tax revenue ----> BBC
Sole traders = Businesses owned and run by one person
Partnerships = Busineses owned and controlled by two or more people
Companies = Owned by shareholders who elect a board of directors to run it on their behalf
Survival ; Managing to make a profit even during a recession
Profit maximisation ; Make profit as large as possible so that dividends for shareholders can be high
Part 27 part 2
Profit satisficing ; Making just enough money to survive, small businesses = Don't want large responsibility, Big businesses = Enough to satisfy their shareholders
Growth ; Wanting to make businness bigger and more successful this helps as ----> They reduce average costs , profits will be higher, stakeholders ( workers ) will benefit and jobs will be more secure
Sales revenue maximisation ; Making the largest revenue possible in a give time period
Social responsiblity ; Raise interest for a company by attracting potential consumers/ workers
Improving the quality of services = Performance indicators are used to measure this ----> Reliability, Professionalism,customer service, and speed of service
Minimising costs ; Resources are scarce/ finite not being inefficient
Allow social costs and benefits ; Public sector does not have to worry about costs, therefore they focus on externalities
Part 28
The need for governement regulation is to avoid ; Anti-competitive practices or restricitve-trade
What is monitored = Increasing prices, Restricicting consumer choice, Raise barriers to entry, Market sharing
How can the government promote competition ; Encourage growth of small firms, Lower barrier to entry, Introducing anti-competitive legislation
The Competition Comission = A way of regulating aceptable levels of competition to ensure that consumers are not exploited
Regulatory bodies = Monitor former monopolies, prices of these
Governement influence in location = Governement attempting to solve issues in certain regions
Reducing unemployment : Providing jobs in area in need of employment
Reducing congestion : Reducing negative externalities caused by urbanised areas
Reducing income inequality : Encourage equality of income, also in poorer regions of a country
Part 29
S.O.E = State owned enterprise ----> SBB/CFF
Privatisation ; From public to private
Nationalisation ; From private to public
Reasons for privatisation = Competition, Lower prices, More effecient, Gains government money, General efficency, Stopping political influence
'Contracting out' = Contracors bid for services previously provided by public sector
The sale of land and property = Allowing tenants of local council owned properties to buy the homes on the land with major discounts
The effects of privatisation ; Consumers ( Fall in prices for essentials ), firms ( investments gone up, mergers made ) , workers ( Loss of jobs due to cutbacks )
TAKEOVERS = One company buys another
MERGERS = When two companies join together to form one new company
Chapter 30
Macroeconomic objectives = Objectives for the total economy placed by the government
Endless macroeconomic cylce ; People consume less--->Production decreases--->Loss of profit--->Less jobs---> Unemployment--->Less taxes--->Benefits being payed for
Macroeconomic objectives = Economic indicators
Formula for calculating Economic growth GDP : Consumption + Investment + Governement spending + ( Exports - imports ) = GDP ---> measured 'Quarterly' every 3 months
Measuring economic performance = Inflation rates, Unemployment, Growth
Inflation rates ; No more than 2 % is steady
GDP ; Growth of approximately 2-3% in developed countries, while more in developing countries
Unemployment ; 2-3% is good, 0% is bad
Part 30.2
Exports = Goods and services sold to other countries
Imports = Goods and services bought fromother countries
Symbol for Export = X
Symbol for Import = M
REMEMBER ; Over a period of time the aim is to keep X and M balanced
----> X > M = Surplus in current account
----> M > X = Defecit
Purchasing power goes down when price rises and vise versa
Chapter 31
Growth is measured by ; Rise in GDP, Improved standard of living, income rise, also national ouptut
Formula for GDP per capita = GDP : Population
Nominal GDP = At current prices
Real GDP = Without inflation
Limitations of GDP ; Inflation, Population, Statistical errors, The value of home-produced goods, The hidden economy, GDP and living standards
Part 32
Inflation is measured by the governement using : RPI and CPI
RPI = Retail price index ( including house prices, council tax )
CPI = Consumer price index
REMEMBER ; Inflation is bad for people with fixed incomes ; Retired
2% inflation = good, 5-10% = bad
Commodity ; Natural resource that has a 'World price' ----> Gold
Causes of inflation ; Demand-pull inflation, Tax cuts ( controlled ), Lower interest rates, Increase in government spending ( controlled ), Rising demand for resources, increase in D for exports
Money-supply inflation applies to ; Governement, firms, and consumers
Part 33
Consequences of inflation = Reduced purchasing power, Reduced value of savings, Increased business costs, Shoe leather costs, Menu costs
Reduced purchasing power ; Prices go up, wages remain the same
Reduced value of savings ; Savings become obsolete as they do not match up to planned savings
Increased business costs ; Firms need to pay more for resources, while workers want pay-rise
Shoe leather cost ; Consumers must find the best price for a product, this is the time spent
Menu costs ; The cost of changing prices of goods
Functions of money = Medium of exchange, Unit of account, Standard for deffered payments, Store of value
REMEMBER ; Balance of payments includes 3 accounts----> Most important = current
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