Drug Testing 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? BiologyASEdexcel Created by: Ellie HadleyCreated on: 26-05-13 10:49 William Withering Discovered that an extract of foxgloves could be used to treat dropsy He made a chance observation Tested different versions of the remedy with different concentrations Too much digitalis poisoned his patients Too little digitalis had no effect Used trial and error to discover the correct dosage. 1 of 6 Phase 1 Small group Healthy individuals Takes place to find safe dosage Side effects How body reacts to drug 2 of 6 Phase 2 Passes phase 1 Larger group Patients How well the drug works 3 of 6 Phase 3 Drug is compared to existing treatments Thousands of patients Sample split into two groups One recieves new drug The other receives existing treatment 4 of 6 Placebos Phase 2 An inactive substance that resembles the drug but doesn't do anything Placebo effect may be demonstrated by patients Patients show some improvement because they believe they're receiving treatment 5 of 6 Double Blind Study Phase 2 and 3 Neither patients nor doctors know who has received the drug or placebo Reduces bias Attitudes of patients or doctors can't affect results 6 of 6
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