Drug Abuse What is does to your body Medicine or Pleasure? 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? BiologyMedicine and drugsGCSEAll boards Created by: Maisie PackardCreated on: 01-04-10 17:06 Drug Abuse Drug is a substance which alters the way your body works. It affects your mind, body or both. There are certain drugs that you use for medicine and other drugs for pleasure. Many of the drugs that are used for medicine or pleasure come from natural substances, often plants. Usually some of the drugs used for pleasure are socially acceptable other are illegal. 1 of 2 Some drugs change the chemical process in your body so that you could become addicted to them. You can become dependant on them. If you are addicted to them you cannot function and manage properly. When addcited you always want more of the drug to keep you feeling normal. When addicts try and stop they usually feel very unwell. Headaches, pains, sweating, shaking, aches and cravings for the drug. This is called WITHDRAWL SYPTOMS Key Points Drugs change the chemical process in the body, so you amy become addicted to them. Illegal and legal drugs may harm the body. Smoking drugs, eg cannabis may cause psycological problems. 2 of 2
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