Nichols identified 6 modes of documentary. They are:
EXPOSITORY MODE: Often has a narrator that is omnipresent, omniscient and objective. The documentary constructs a specific argument; the narrative voice and footage correspond together to do this.
POETIC MODE: Focuses on the mood/tone of the text, so characters and events are usually underdeveloped. Often discontinuous, Nichols says they focus on "associations and patterns that involve temporal rhythms and spatial juxtapositions" rather than continuity or narrative.
OBSERVATIONAL MODE: Appears as though no filmmakers were involved: no voice-over, no interviews etc. The camera captures uninfluenced behaviours and occurences (fly on the wall).
PARTICIPATORY MODE: The filmmaker interacts with the subjects within the documentary (often through interviews). "what happens in front of the camera becomes an index of the nature of interaction between filmmaker and subject." - Nichols
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