Doctor Faustus Quotes

Quotes by theme.


Freedom and Confinement

- Greek Mythology reference - Chorus - No fear of continuing to better himself

- Stage direction - Isolation, authoritive?

- Talks about himself in 3d person (8 times in first speech) Sililoquy - His thoughts are important - Arrogance

- Faustus referring to Valdes and Cornelius, but they lead him to necromancy

- Long speeches - Talks a lot, but doesn't listen to good + bad angels - Act 1 scene 1

- Mephistopheles:- Isolated from heaven, everywhere without God is hell. Articulate when describing God.

- Mephistophiles:- Cannot give him a wife - marriage is a sacrement, Faustus desires a partner.

- Wagner:- Refers to Robin in this way, a desire to be free of servitude and be the master himself?

- Faustus:- mocking Mephistopheles - Extreme arrogance, may be an intellectual but has no idea what he's dealing with.

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Freedom and Confinement

- "His waxen wings did mount above his reach"

- [Enter Faustus in his study]

- "Settle thy studies Faustus"

- "My dearest friends" + "shall make all nations to canonise us"

- "How am I glutted with conceit of this!"

- "Why this is hell, nor am i out of it....saw the face of God"

- "Talk not of a wife"

- "Poor slave"

- "Is Mephistopheles so passionate for being deprived of the joys of heaven?", "I think hell's a fable"

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- Faustus:- Commits the final final sin of despair, cannot forgive himself and doesn't believe that God will either.

- The Good Angel:- Constantly warning Faustus to repent, ignored

- Lucifer:- Has no compassion for Faustus, both out to benefit themselves

- Wagner:- Worries about Faustus when no one else does, Faustus shows him compassion by leaving all of his possesions to Wagner.

- Faustus:- Cannot see what is before him, wants punishment for those who defy him, a sign for him to repent is ignored once again.

- Scholar:- Would have forgiven Faustus previously, could have saved him, they feel pity for him.

- Faustus:- His attempt at getting forgiveness - bargaining- it's too late, not sincere.

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- "My heart is so hardened, I cannot repent"

- "Think of heaven and heavenly things" + "God will pity thee"

- "Christ cannot save your soul, for he is just"

- "He hath given to me all his goods"

- "Torment...that base and crooked age that durst dissuade me from thy Lucifer"

- "Divines might have prayed for thee"

- "I'll burn my books"

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- Faustus:- Believes he is the one in control when in fact he is out of his depth - Making demands

- Mephistopheles:- Advising Faustus not to continue - Loyal to Faustus rather than Lucifer - Sympathetic.

- Lucifer is ultimate commander of Mephistopheles, he only wants his soul to please his lord.

- Wagner - Role reversal - He commands Robin - Parody plot

- Tell Faustus who made the world...Mephistopheles has his limits to what he can do for Faustus.

- Wagner:- Remains faithful to Faustus and is rewarded in the end

- Faustus betrays religion and God - Foreshadowing his suffering

- Faustus' final lines, tries to go back on the contract he has signed.

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- "I charge thee wait upon me whilst I live"

- "Leave these frivilous demands which strike terror to my fainting soul"

- "Lucifer thy Lord"

- "Poor slave"

- "I will not"

- "I think my master means to die shortly for he hath given me all his goods"

- "My heart is hardened, i cannot repent"

- "Come not, Lucifer! I'll burn my books"

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Versions of Reality

- Faustus believes he is in control - Sorely mistaken.

- Faustus is fooled by an illusion of beauty - Makes love to the devil

- The illusion of not seeing what is right before him, he is given plenty of opportunities to repent, yet ignores them.

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Versions of Reality

- "Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the ******* towers of Illium?"..."Her lips **** forth my soul"

-  "I charge thee wait upon me whilst I live"

- "My heart is so hardened, I cannot repent"

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