Some say that power lies with the political executive - the elected government.
+ Members of the government develop policies and take bills to parliament, and most of these becomes laws that govern the entire nation. So they have the power to change we live.
+ They have power because they control the agenda/timetable of the legislature.
- Power lies with the official executive civil service, that draft/administer/implement decisions. Because of their ability can exert influence over departents.
- Legislature (pariament) has the power...they have the ability to make/amend laws'.
- Judiciary have power because have to interpret the laws and decide how to apply them.
- European Union have got a lot of power now, and the political executive do not have any control over the laws made by EU.
- Has to answer to the 'people', during elections. So it could be argued that in actual fact people have more power than the executive, as the exectuive is decided on by the electorate, and if they dont like something government are doing they can protest - meaning that the government are held responsible for their actions and so have to make bills etc. that the majority of the electorate will approve of (if they want to stay in government). PRESSURE GROUPS? NSMS?
- As part of our EU membership had to devolve Wales, Ireland and Scotland --> less power than used to have.
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