Skip connectors- a return to a previous topic of conversation e.g. anyway coming back to our original discussion
Vague expression- similar to hedging, deliberately non-committal expression in informal contexts e.g. anything, something, thing
Ellipsis- omissions of words fot economical purposes or to avoid awkward repetition e.g. just seen Jack (ellipses I've) Tonight, 8pm (ellipsis i'll meet you... at...)
Tag questions- consist of an auxiliary verb, a negative particle and a pronoun e.g. you did really well didn't you? it was tomorrow wasn't it?
Deixis- pointing words in a perceptual, temporal or spatial dimension e.g. I, you, me, they, now, yesterday, today, here, there, this, that, these, those
Non- fluency feautures- non- verbal occurences e.g. pauses, hesitations and repetitions which occur in spontaneous speech
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