Crown Court

english legal system - crown court


Crown Court Offences

The Crown Court will hear Triable Either Way offences or Indictable offences. A not guilty plea by the defendant will lead to a trial before a judge and a jury. A guilty plea will lead to the judge passing an appropriate sentence.

Indictable Offences

  • murder
  • robbery
  • ****
  • manslaughter

Triable - Either Way Offences

  • theft
  • actual bodily harm
  • obtaining property by deception (fraud)
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Defence Appeals from the Crown Court

Court of Appeal

  • reasons for appeal; against sentence or conviction, need leave to appeal
  • relevant act; criminal appeal act 1995, conviction 'unsafe'

Further Appeal to House of Lords

  • reasons for appeal; on point of general public importance, need leave to appeal
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Prosecution Appeals from the Crown Court

High Court

  • reasons for appeal; order to quash aquittal due to witness interference
  • relevant act; criminal procedure and investigations act 1996

Court of Appeal

  • reasons for appeal; attorney general's reference on point of law relating to an aquittal, does not affect aquittal
  • relevant act; criminal justice act 1972 OR
  • reasons for appeal; AG against lenient sentence, sentence can be increased
  • relevant act; criminal justice act 1988

Further Appeal to House of Lords

  • reasons for appeal; on point of law of general public importance, need leave to appeal
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