TSS//Snaith- Cozy Apologia quote revision cards


Stanza 1

"The lamp, the wind-still rain, the glossy blue"

-  This line includes everyday objects and emphasises her love for her partner.
- "Lamp " indicates hope and happyness in her life.
- "Glossy blue" sybolises the inspiration he gives her on a daily basis.

"Astride a dappled mare, legs braced as far apart"

- cliched image of a knight in shining amour.( Dreamy tone and humerous.)

"And chain mail glinting, to set me free:"

-She feels like her husband has rescued her.

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Stanza 2

"And faxes, a do-it-now-and-take-no-risks"

-Sybolises that life gets to busy to think about love

"Oddly male: Big Bad Floyd, who brings a host"

- Hurracanes usually have female names
- this reinforces her memories of the failed relationships she had when she was younger.

"Were thin as licorice and as chewy,"

-wasted her life with boys

"Sweet with a dark and hollow centre"
- "Hollow centre" He had no substance and therefore was hollow and empty. there was nothing to him which attracted the woman.

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Stanza 3

"(Twin desks, computeers, hardwood floors):"
- They both have busy/ separate lives.

"We're content, but fall short of the divine"
- "Divine" Emphasises that their relationship might not be unique but Dove is happy with her everyday love

"Still, its embarrissing, this happiness--

- " Embarrissing " She is embarrissed of how happy she is feeling because nothing exciting or eventful hs occured throughout her relationship.

"To keep me from melancholy (call it blues),"

- "Melancholy" suggests he is the only person that makes her happy

"I feel this stolen time with you."

- Ends with Dove having an appreciation of this "Stolen time".  This immplies she is grateful to have time to think about her relationship.

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