Could we live on another planet?


Whats up with our planet?

  • Climate change
  • overpopulation
  • lack of food
  • money - planets have resources we can use.
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Traits a planet needs for life?

  • Temperature
  • H20
  • atmosphere - small gravity = can't hold atmosphere, particles escape n leave planet w/out protective atmosphere.
  • sun
  • nutrients - come about via volcanic systems. too volcanic = hard to get nutrients, but h20 n volcanos transport nutrients.
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Potential Planets - Proxima B

  • Rocky planet (like earth)
  • in habital zone
  • Orbits closest star to sun
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Potential planets - Keplar-452b

  • "earths cousin"
  • orbits star v simmilar to own (same type, G2V)
  • mean temp of -8 (slightly warmer than earth)
  • larger than earth which will mean it'll keep its water, e.g. oceans, longer than earth.
  • 26m years to get there
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Potential Planets - Trappist-1e

  • Part of the Trappist 1 system.
  • orbits a red ultracool dwarf star, 8% mass of the sun, meaning it will live 400-500x as long as the sun.
  • one of the last things in universe.
  • 1 side perminntly facing sun, other in darkness. between 2 points = terminator line where temps could allow h20. 
  • if it has a thick atmosphere, could transfer heat around planet.
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