Any device thatintroduces data into a computer system from outside it.
Such as:
digital cameras.
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Devices that communicate data beyond the computer system, typically (but not always) to a human user.
Such as
visual displays
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Both instructions and data are stored in memory, to be moved to the CPU as and when they are required.
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Central Processing Unit
Comprises one or morearithmetic logic unit
One or morecontrol unit
Any number of registers.
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Control Unit
Controls the actions of the rest of the computer, based on program instructions.
To all intents and purposes, it is in charge, and it tells other components what to do
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Arithmetic Logic Unit
Performs calculations (e.g. 5 + 2)
comparisons (e.g. 5 > 2)
logical operations (e.g. AND, NOT, OR)
as instructed by the control unit.
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A temporary holding area for a small amount of data. Some registers are special purpose, meaning they have a clearly defined role such as knowing the memory location of the next instruction. Others are general purpose, meaning their roles are more flexible and can be specified by the programmer.
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Transfer data between components.
Data buses carry data and instructions
Address buses carry memory locations to be accessed
Control buses carry commands to be carried out by the hardware, such as ‘read’ or ‘write’
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