Civil and Common Law Systems
- Created by: Nikki
- Created on: 08-04-15 11:22
Comparative law
Why compare?
What to compare?
How to compare?
- 'Same problem, different solutions'
- Understanding foreign law 'from the inside' -- why do members of that system think the way they do?
History of French Private Law
Ius Commune -- from Corpus Iuris -- following re-discovery of Justinian's code
- annotations on CI -- clarify; give context; correct inconsistencies
- written reason
- accumulation of glosses formed defined body of doctrine
- adapt Roman texts to particular requirements of medieval life -- bridge theory and practice
- comprehensive and systematic commentaries on specific legal issues
- new, improved version of CI produced
Roman law and Canon law
School of Secular Natural Law
- significance of CI lay in its moral quality -- CI as raw materials to build perfect legal system
French Civil Code
French revolution -- epitomised rationalistic dualism of natural lawyers
Republic built on rational ideas -- reason-infused CI preserved; oppressive feudal customs eradicated
Civil Code 1804
- Romanist, canonist and rationalistic influences
- grounding in law of nature
- repeal of all prior law and formal declaration that extra-codal legal materials would be considered of no legal force
- Code ought to be complete
- ought to be drafted in relatively general principles
- ought to fit them together lgoically as coherent whole and be based on experience
- piecemeal modernisation
- articles are not only rules of law but sources of law
- 'civil constitution'
- written code as guarantee of freedom
- Book I 'Of Persons'; Book II 'Of Property and...ownership'; Book III 'Of the various ways in which ownershp is acquired
History of German Private Law
Ius commune
Kant's theory of knowledge
- acquisition of knowledge proceeds from interaction between subjective & objective
- law, while grounded in morality, demarcates itself from moral realm int hat it concerns eternal relations between subjects and must accordingly be objectified through actual, material sanctions
German historicists
- ought not ignore history
- facts overtake ideas
- 'objective idealism' -- Hegel -- mind and matter merge into the objective
- theory is subservient to facts, and reasoning that aspires to operate independently from factual experience is ill-conceived
- Historical school
- Volkgeist
German civil code - BGB
- idea/fact tension manifests itself
- Privatautonomie = celebrates subjective -- freedom of each individual to govern himself through hisown will
- tempered by imposition of constrants upon way in which this freedom can be exercised -- only those acts of will that are deemed acceptable in the larger context of German juridical order ever materialize as legal facts
- balance of subjective and objective
- more academic and exhaustive -- much longer process to make
- infiltration of public into private
History of English Private Law
Development of common law
- William the Conqueror
- integrated local customs and isntitution into single admin structure governed by King
- Domesday book (1086)
- Royal intervention into local justice at first limited to tax matters, but fiscal considerations soon caused this to extend to civil and criminal matters
- end of 12th century -- ambulatory justice system that Henry I had established had by regularity and increased frequency of its circuits become most powerful institution in ENG
- 13th century -- royal justice grew from occasional jurisdiction into highly solicited one -- 3 permanent courts in Westminster
- early common law was procedural 'common custom' concerned almost exclusively with matters of proof -- empty procedural framework to be filled with substance by jury
- identity of those in charge of administering justice -- not conceptual thinkers
- ideas still present in every judicial decision -- in time extricated themselves from material, heavily procedural context of decision -- formed substantive legal rules
Equity -- operate like continental court -- flexible and not formally bound by precedent -- less important -- Judicature Act stripped equity of separate jursidiction and merged it with CL
Comparison of law -- contractual mistake
- subjective representation
- any non-trivial mistake in mind of even on of two parties suffices to undermine existence of validity of contract
- set aside in all such cases as matter of principle
- logic of autonomy of will dictates that mistaken party's subjective intention trumps non-mistaken party's objective interpretation of this intention
- French judicial practice is more qualified -- 'exceptions' and 'qualifications'
- balanced approach -- equal weight to subjective intentio and objective manifestation
- only set contract aside where mistake related to an essential part of contract
- objective approach
- general theory of mistake in aassumption has no place in English law
- only exceptionally have judges allowed subject intentions to prevail over obj manifestations
Comparison of law - role of judge
- apply law in mechanical fashion -- avoid interpretation -- reserved for scholars
- reasoning by syllogisms
- decisions tend given consideration only insofar as they corroborate conclusion of scholars
- anonymous decisions without dissent nor concurring opinion
- extremely short judgments that lack explanation of why the decision has been made
- not an official source of law
- decisions are less cryptic and more readily indexed and more accessible
- Code provides as much direction as an be given w/o excessive complexity
- greater importance of disclosing reasoning
- reasoning by analogy -- begins and ends with fact
- judicial prcedence
- more important role -- judges work with facts
Summary of comparison
- subjectivism
- ideas, not facts
- judges less important
- Civil Code
- balance of subjectivism and objectivism
- objectivism
- facts, not ideas
- judges are very important
- Common Law
English v French legal profession
French judicial profession
- career judges
- law school -- Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature -- civil servants for life -- train judges and procecutors -- most candidates recent university graduates
- 31 month full time course -- written and oral exam & interview
- begin in court of first instance and hope to be promoted to higher courts
English judicial profession
- not career judges
- law school -- join the Bar (normally) -- become QC -- apointed to HC -- work way up from there
- from narrow group of society -- later stage of career so older
- lay persons working as magistrates
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