Circulatory System / Lifestyle and Disease
Combined notes on circulatory systems and Lifestyle and disease
- Created by: Corrine S
- Created on: 07-05-13 20:41
Blood Through Heart
Right Side - Deoxygenated Blood
Vena Cava --> R. Atrium --> Atrioventricular Valve --> R. Ventricle --> Semi-Lunar Valve --> Pulmonary Artery --> Lungs
Left Side - Oxygenated Blood
Pulmonary Vein --> L. Atrium --> Atrioventricular Valve --> L. Ventricle --> Semi-Lunar Valve --> Aorta --> Rest of Body
Left ventricle has thicker, muscular wall - better contraction to pump blood round body
Blood Vessels
- Carry blood away from heart
- Thick walled, muscular
- Elastic tissue - withstand high pressure
- Folded endothelium - expansion
- Take blood to heart
- Wide
- Contains valves - stop blood flowing backwards
- Smallest vessel
- Metabolic exchange occurs
- Capillary beds - increase surface area
- One cell thick - speeds up diffusion
Blood Clotting
Thromboplastin ---> Prothrombin ---> Thrombin ---> Fibrinogen ---> Fibrin + Platelets + Red Blood Cells
- Thromboplastin (protein) released from damaged blood vessel
- Thromboplastin triggers conversion of prothrombin (soluble protein) into thrombin (enzyme)
- Thrombin catalyses conversion of fibrinogen (soluble protein) to fibrin (solid insoluble fibres)
- Fibrin fibres tangle together and form mesh
- Platelets and red blood cells get trapped - forms blood clot
Atheroma Formation
- Wall of artery is made up off several layers
- Endothelium (inner lining) is smooth and unbroken
- Damage occurs to endothelium (e.g. high blood pressure) = inflammatory response - white blood cells move into area
- White blood cells and lipids from blood clump together under endothelium
- form fatty streaks
- Over time, white blood cells, lipids, connective tissue build up and harden
- Form fibrous plaque called ATHEROMA
- Plaque partially blocks lumen of artery - restricts blood flow = increased blood pressure
- Hardened arteries = ATHERSCLEROSIS
Thrombosis (Blood clotting)
- Atheromas increase risk of thrombosis
- Atheroma ruptures endothelium
- Damages artery wall - leaves rough surface
- Thrombosis is triggered - blood clot forms at site of rupture
- Blood clot causes blockage of artery or dislodges and blocks another blood vessel
- Blood flow to tissues is restricted - less oxygen reaches tissue = damage
- Heart attack, stroke and deep vein thrombosis - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE
Cardiovascular Disease
Heart Attacks
- Heart muscle supplied with blood by coronary arteries
- Blood contains oxygen needed by heart muscle cells for respiration
- Coronary artery becomes blocked by blood clot
- Area of heart muscle cut off from blood supply
- Causes myocardial infarction (Heart Attack)
- A rapid loss of brain function due to disruption in blood supply to brain
- Caused by blood clot in artery, reduces amount of blood and oxygen to brain
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Formation of blood clot in vein deep inside body - usually happens in leg veins
- Caused by prolonged inactivity
Blood Cholesterol
- High blood cholesterol increases risk of CVD
- Cholesterol is a lipid
- Needs to be attached to protein to be moved
- Body forms lipoproteins
High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)
- Mainly protein
- Transport cholesterol from body tissues to liver - recycled or excreted
- FUNCTION: Reduce total blood cholesterol when level too high
Low Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)
- Mainly lipid
- Transport cholesterol from liver to blood - circulates until needed
- FUNCTION: Increase total blood cholesterol when level too low
High total blood cholesterol level + high LDL level - linked to increased risk of CVD
Drugs for CVD - Antihypertensives
Antihypertensives - Reduce High Blood Pressure
- Decrease risk of atheromas/blood clots forming
- Diuretics - More urine so amount of blood decreased
- Beta-Blockers - Reduces strength of heart beat
- Vasodilators - Widens blood vessels
Blood pressure monitored at home
Palpitations / Fainting / Headaches / Drowsiness / Allergic Reaction / Depression
Drugs for CVD - Plant Statins
Plant Statins - Reduce Cholesterol in Blood
- Contain Stanols / Sterols
- Reduce blood cholesterol
- Reduce amount absorbed by gut
Reduces risk of CVD
Reduces risk of absorption of vitamins
Drugs for CVD - Anticoagulants
Anticoagulants - Reduce Formation of Blood Clots
- E.g. warfarin / heparin
- Artery walls less likely to get damaged
Treat people with CVD / blood clots
Prevent new blood clots forming
Excessive bleeding if injured
Fainting / Allergic Reactions / Osteoporosis
Drugs for CVD - Platelet Inhibitory Drugs
Platelet Inhibitory Drugs - Reduce Formation of Blood Clots
- Prevent platelets clumbing
- Reduce chances of blood clotting = reduce chance of blocked blood vessels
Treat those with blood clots / CVD
Rashes / Nausea / Liver Function Problems / Constant Bleeding
Diet and Energy
- Organisms take in and use up energy
- Energy for growing, moving, reproducing
Energy budget - amount of energy taken in by organism and amount of energy used up
Energy Input - Energy output = Energy Budget
- Higher intake than output = weight gain
- Lower intake than output = weight loss
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