Circuits AQA Physics Revision notees on the difference between the two types of curcuits. 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PhysicsElectricityGCSEAll boards Created by: harry newallCreated on: 05-06-09 11:25 Series Circuits Components connected in a line If a component is taken away the circuit brakes Voltage (P.D) is shared between the components so voltages add up to equal source voltage Current is the same everywhere around the circuit For resistence the total amount of resistence is the sum of all the resistors 1 of 2 Parallel circuits Removing a component hardly effects the circuit so these circuits are used at home. The voltage across the branches are all the same so components will all have the same voltage. The current is shared around the circuit and adds up to the total amount of current being supplied. 2 of 2
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