Religion and Human Experience
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- Created by: Amy
- Created on: 19-02-13 11:01
Religious Teachings on Sanctity of Life
- God is interested and involved in each humans life
- Life is sacred and a gift from God
- Only God should take life away
- Jesus showed in his teachings that all life should be valued
- The soul is present in all species of life
- Everything that grows and lives is interconnected
- Where there is life and soul there is atman
- At death the soul enters another body
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Why is life so special?
- Cannot create is from nothing
- Religious scriptures show the importance of creation
- God has given creatures the ability to reproduce - and every life is special
- We know so much about bodies and the brain but not much about life
- Life is precious and a unique thing
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Should people have free will to make life and deat
- No one should ever make a decision about their own or someone elses life
- Doctors are the experts
- Its never "my life" because your life affects friends and family
- No reason why a clear-minded person shouldnt be allowed to make a decision about their life
- God created all life so he should decide
- God gave humans free will, when deciding about life and death you should speak to those around you
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What are the moral issues a couple must consider i
- Are we abusing technology in the decisions we make?
- Who can end anothers life?
- Are we playing God in trying to make these decisions?
- What do our scriptures teach and how can we be true to that teaching in this situation?
- What is the best thing for the person whom we are deciding?
- When does life begin?
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How do believers decide what is right in modern me
- Pray to seek advice from God
- Consider effect on you and others around you
- Discuss the matter with other believers, and experts in the religion or 'issue'
- Think about the ultimate principles in the religion that will have an impact on the issue
- Search the sacred texts for references or beliefs
- Analyse intentions and measure them against other relevant teachings
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How do doctors make eithical decisions?
- Hippocratic Oath
- Long-term effects on the patient
- Effects of the illness and treatment on the family
- Faiths and beliefs are taken into account
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What are the dilemmas faced by scientific advancem
- Dont use a life-machine if the person is totally dependent on it
- Some surgery and medical treatments arent necessary
- Drugs need to be tested to make sure they are safe how do we do this?
- Donating organs raises a lot of issues
- Sometimes its not right to preserve life - we have to accept our time is up
- People with strong beliefs may refuse a treatment because it goes against what they believe in
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How does religion help or hinder people making dec
- Answers through prayer
- For some modern ethical issues there are no teachings
- Its difficult to get agreement from people with the same belief
- Having clear beliefs makes it hard to make a decision
- Religious teachings and guidance can help people facing a difficult decision
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Does the issue depend on the situation?
- Every situation is different - never one decision
- Religious believers will look for teachings to apply
- The role of utilitarianism - for the greatest good
- Cant just depend on the situation - ultimate principles too
- You need to strike a balance between weighing up the situation and following the teachings that matter to you
- The role of conscience
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Christian views on abortion
- Sanctity of Life
- being people in the image of God
- All life is precious and sacred
- Ten Commandments
- Catholic Churches are normally against
- Other denominations are against abortions for social reasons, accept certain circumstances (mothers life at risk)
- Many Christians leave the decision to the individual
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What are the rights of the unborn child?
- Consider to consider rights of mother and child, one sometimes dominates the other
- God created all life, even that not yet born
- An unborn child in the period, which abortion is allowed is not fully human so has less rights
- Some religions see the start of life at the moment of conception - life is precious and sacred
- Once the moment of conception has taken place the unborn child has rights as any other human being
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Whose choice should it be concerning the issue of
- God created all life
- Faith community of the couple may also have a perspective but still leave it up to the couple
- Only something the mother and father have a decision about
- Medical reasons
- Mothers choice - her body
- Parents and family should be involved in any decision about the child
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Religious Teachings: Euthanasia
- Taking a life is wrong - sanctity of life
- Life is a gift from God, only he can take it away
- Death is not the final end, but it a 'doorway' to life after death
- Suffering can have a purpose
- Ahimsa (harmlessness) Euthanasia is not acceptable
- Death is a natural part of life, it will come in time
- Dharma or duty is importrant in life, and should be followed through
- Sometimes a 'willed death' for purely selfless motives may be acceptable
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Is it ever right to end someone's life?
- Only God can decide when a person's life should end.
- No one should ever make a decision to take another person's life
- Someone should be able to decide the future of their own life
- Life is sacred
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Religious Teachings: IVF
- Life is given by God no one else has the right to children
- Embryo technology is banned becaused it involves throwing away some fertilised eggs, children have a right to know who their parents are
- But technology is also God's gift although it can be abused to, the cost isnt always justifiable when so many children are starving and it provides happiness to the couple
- The Law of Manu encourages couples who are infertile to adopt children.
- IVF is acceptable if the sperm and egg from the husband and wife are used
- Discarded embryos do not have souls as they are not mature enough
- Embryo donation is not allowed because caste is passed down through the father
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Is it right to spend so much money on IVF when peo
- Life is too sacred to place in the hands of human beings
- Greater quality of life with IVF
- Importance of families in many traditions
- Some believe IVF is God given
- When there are unwanted babies it seems wrong spending so much money on fertility treatments
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