One of the GMD war generals (Manchurian) was persuaded by the CCP to use his contacts to embarrass Chiang
Chiang is captured by his own
Chiang is accused of treason
It seems clear that he will be executed
However, Mao sends Zhou En-Lai to negotiate Chiang's release
Chiang would be freed on the condition that the GMD would join the CCP in a 2nd United Front to expel the Japanese
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What did the GMD regime do after leaving Shanghai?
Borrow great amounts of money from the US
Nationalize banks
Increase taxes
Print more money bills, fuelling an inflation which was already lingering due to the war in China
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Why was the GMD army ****?
Lack of fighting morale
Lack of discipline
Parts of the army belonged to warlord generals; not necessarily loyal to the regime
Forcibly recruited conscripts were cruelly treated
Desertions would be an increasingly big problem as the war continued
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Weaknesses of the GMD regime
Weakness of the army, due to a lack of fighting morale, and disloyalty
A corrupt, and weak government
A faltering economy (hyperinflation, raising taxes, nationalising banks)
Chiang was completely dependent on US support
As a result of his economic policies, the inflation, his authoritarian rule, his lack of patriotism during the war, his ill-treatment of the peasant population, Chiang would lose support even from those urban people who had previously supported him
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Strengths of the CCP
A strong Red Army using efficient, and realistic fighting tactics
The Communists effectively developing local government local government in the countryside
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Describe Mao's 1st year in power
Communists needed the contributions of all Chinese people, ie. not everyone was forced to be communist yet
A multi-party was temporarily allowed to exist
New gov't dealt with: organized crime, prostitution
Go'vt would be cautious with: old, middle-class and business people
Women; new law prevented pre-arranged marriages from occuring. Aim was to make women the equals of men
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Describe the 1st year of the Civil War
CCP continued guerilla warfare; withdrawing into any big battles with the GMD troops, who were more numerous, and far better equipped
This allowed them to cut off cities held by the GMD, forcing them to waste time fighting to keep supply lines and communications with Nanjing open
Communsits and their Red Army continued their policies towards the rural population (to help, to educate, to indoctrinate) assured them of growing support
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