During the first few months after a child is born, both parents are usually exhausted from lack of sleep. They are often inexperienced in the care of a baby, the constant search for answers or help from friends, family, pediatricians and books can create tension between marriage partners.
Child rearing practices can also create tension between parents.
The husband-wife relationship is likely to take second priority to the ever-present needs of the new infant. There is less time for the couple to be together without the baby. Occasionally there may be feelings of resentment towards the new family member due to the lack of time for self or spouse.
The parents' experiences as a child influence the way they react in the parenting role. If either parent had a difficult childhood, for example, the baby might remind the parent of negative aspects of their own experiences.
As the parents adjust to the new role in the early months of the baby's life, the family may strengthen. Over time, parents are likely to be better able to define their parental role and its importance in family life.
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