Antoine Lavoisier - 1789
Sorted the 33 known elements into gases, metals, non-metals and earths
Included calorie and light into the periodic table
Some compounds were included as they did not know how to separate them yet
John Dalton - 1803
Gave the 36 elements individual sumbols
Believed atoms could not be broken up into smaller parts or destroyed
Ordered elements in order of their atomic weight
Johann Dobereiner - 1829
Considered triads of elements like Chlorine Bromine and Iodine
Gave clues that relative masses were important
Triad arrangement worked only for Cr,Sr,Ba and Li,Na,K
John Newlands - 1864
Created the law of octaves (every eighth note was similar to the first)
Created rows and the modern structure we have today
Ordered elements in order of relative atomic mass
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