Causes of February 1917 Revolution Causes of February 1917 Russian Revolution 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryInternational BaccalaureateAll boards Created by: RosaCreated on: 24-02-11 08:39 Tsar's Rule October Manifesto (1905): promist a Duma (parliment) elected by the people however the Tsar had the ability to overrule it Electoral system only for the wealthy Revolutionary groups boycotted Duma When at the front, he left the Tsarina and Rasputin in power - dismissed ministers for friends/family, increase in demonstrations, Tsar embarrassed 1 of 3 Socio-Economic 1916: Poor harvest, famine Cost of living had risen 300% by 1916 No modernization of agriculture Average wages didn't rise above 1903 levels, working conditions remained poor - strikes/violence 2 of 3 World War 1 Over 1 million sodiers had been killed September 1915: Tsar goes to battlefield, associated himself with war, blamed for losses Low morale, high rates of desertations Conscription in the countryside led to peasant discontent Economic situation worsened by war - lack of food/fuel/goods, protests from women -- 25th February on International Women's Day 3 of 3