Causes of 1905 Russian Revolution Long term, short term & trigger for 1905 Revolution 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryInternational BaccalaureateAll boards Created by: RosaCreated on: 24-02-11 08:25 Long Term: Social Almost 80% of Russia's population were peasants in early 20th century Nobility made up 1% of the population but owned 25% of the land 1891: Famine, 400 000 died Disease common Middle class liberals were alienated: no representation in politics, student protests Backwards agriculture, high tax, increasing population put pressure on land 1 of 6 Long Term: Nationalities Tsar pursued Russification policy Half of the population was non-Russian speaking Russian officials ran governments in Poland, Latvia and Finland Russian culture/language imposed Minorities wanted independence, increase in revolts within empire 2 of 6 Short Term: Tsar's Rule Tsar Nicholas II weak and indecisive No freedom in the press/to form political parties Ruled through repression, used the Cossacks to put down revolts No concessions made ot nationalities No move towards constitutional government - liberals/Socialist Revolutionaries wanted a constitutional monarchy and to limit the Tsar's power 3 of 6 Short Term: Economic Population unhappy with Witte's economic policies Wages remained low but taxes were high Too much focus on industrial growth, taxed high and exported grain in order to pay interest on foreign loans 1900 & 1902: Poor harvests, famine 1902: Economic crisis - unemployment rose, strikes and violence repressed by force 4 of 6 Immediate Term: Russo-Japanese War February 1904: Russo-Japanese War began Exacerbated economic and social problems within Russia - shortages of food and fuel, high prices and unemployment Defeated and humiliated by a smaller country; January 1905 lost Port Arthur Led to increased discontent 5 of 6 Trigger: Bloody Sunday 22nd January 1905 Tsar's troops fired on peaceful demonstrators in Petrograd By the end of January, 400 000 workers were on strike - this then spread to other cities and to the countryside 6 of 6
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