case studies for population change

case studies


China- One child policy

  • In the 1970's Chinas Population grew by 40 million a year
  • In Rural places they needed more children to work the land
  • The were quickly running out of resources and becomes over crowded there was a strain on the health care system and public transport
  • every birth has to be approved by the planning officials
  • If they have one child they receive free education, priority housing, pensions and family benifits
  • This are removed if they have another child, an they have to pay a fine and pay back the cost of the benifits for having the first child
  • If they had a second child they were encurraged to be sterilized
  • For women who are pregnant for a second time they were encuraged to have an abortion even very late into the preganancy
  • Over 90% of aborted foetues were females because families perfured to have a son, also many baby girls end up in orphanages
  • In December 2001, families in rural area were allowed to have 2 children if the first was a girl
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Controling birth rates and death rates

Death Rate Controls- India's policys

  • Mass inoculation against disease- will lower Death rate because less people willl die of these dieases
  • Providing clean water- lower Death rate, less people will die of water borne dieases
  • providing better healthcare- people will not die of easily treatable dieases
  • Providing better education about family hygeine will stop dieases spreading from one family member to another

Birth Rate Controls

  • Family planning clinics - contreseption more widly available so birth rates lowered
  • 14% of Indian couples use birth control, in some areas sterilisation is compulsionary for couples with 3 children
  • The marriage age has been rised from 15 to 18 for woman and from 18 to 21 for men, this means if people are marrying later there is less time for them to have children
  • Improvements in education - This allows people to understand and to have a choice
  • Publicity and advertising for family plannning - Education means that more choice, if women get the choice they normaly end up having less children
  • Abortion is now legal - This allows women some choice
  • Rewards given to those who volunteer for sterilization
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  • 1960, fastest growing island population, could get no more land for food or for people to live
  • This created food shortages and over crowding
  • Only grew sugar cane, if the crop failed there was no money to supply the population with enought food this lead to stavation
  • They could quickly run out of resources


  • family planning surported by all the different religions
  • The aim of family planning was to teach people about methods of contreseption
  • every woman had on average 6 children, this was halfed
  • They also vacination the population this helped lower death rates
  • derocked areas some more food can be grown
  • The also expanded the range of food grown to include potatoes and maize
  • encuraged Secondary Industry like textiles this created jobs for the population
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Brasilia and Barra da Tijuca


  • Located on the flat watershed between the Amazonn and Rio Parana
  • It was built to take the pressure off Rio de Janeriro and Sao Paulo in 1956-1960
  • The accommodation is made up of superblocks (a large group of apartments grouped in thed neightbourhood)
  • Each has a Church, School, Youth Club, Shops and are surrounded by open space
  • Housing us expensive and all the same
  • Roads are wide causing many accidents
  • Public transport is ineffcient
  • People don't like living there

Barra da Tijuca

  • The tunnelled throught the mountain surrounding Rio de Janeiro and created a motorway leading to a new town which they built on the other side of the mountain
  • Built in the 1980's
  • Gated safe accommodation, high-rise apartments and single and double storey
  • shopping malls
  • beaches
  • efficient local bus
  • caused counterurbanisation- wealthy have left Rio
  • Barra has favelas too
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Really useful and concise :)

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