Business studies

Unit 1.2 business studies notes for exam Year 10

  • Created by: hi
  • Created on: 18-05-11 17:01

Unit 1.2 Notes

.Creative thinking False - Bad ideas will never happen if creative thinking is carried out properbly.

.Being taught to think creativily is called Deliberate Creativity

Non Creative- is for example a bagless vaccum cleaner anyone can think of that.

Encourage work to think creatively because helps business follow what there competitors are doing.

Killer saying- I dobut it but lets try it.

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.Creative thinking False - Bad ideas will never happen if creative thinking is carried out properbly.

.Being taught to think creativily is called Deliberate Creativity

Non Creative- is for example a bagless vaccum cleaner anyone can think of that.

Encourage work to think creatively because helps business follow what there competitors are doing.

Killer saying- I dobut it but lets try it.

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Dyson Hoover with ball Why not?

.Asking why helps identify possible opportunitys.

Stuff least likely being asked "Why not"

New improved  Daz that washes whiter.

Thinking about future opportunits the business will be Asking why not?

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