Benefits/Advantages of these Ratios:
- Profitabilty ration will show you how profitable a business is
- They are a measure of overall performance
- They can be used to examine how well a business is operating
- Profitability rations can be used to compare and contrast current perfomance to past perfomance - an increase in the ratios is viewed as a positive trend
Drawbacks/Disadvantages of using these Ratios:
- Ratios will not tell a business what is going right or wrong
- Ratios are useless in isolation
- Ratios relate to a particular point in time
- Ratios need to be compared over a period of time to identify trends
- Ratios are only as reliable as the information/data used to calculate them
- Ratios relate to the past and not the future
- Levels of customers may vary at the business - there may be busy/quiet periods
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