Business Revision
- Created by: AM6200
- Created on: 09-04-16 18:50
Short Term Finance
Delayed Payments
Trade Credits
Bank Overdraft
Credit Cards
Long Term Finance
Venture Capitalists
Bank Loans
Share Capital (Ltd or Plc Only)
Retained Profit
Cash Flow
Cash flow forecasts aim to anticipate problems
A poor cashflow means there is a lack of working capital
You can improve cashflow three ways
1) Sell atained stock
2) Be less generous with customer credit terms
3) Get a better credit term with your supplier
Inflows/Receipts: Money from owners, bank loans or cash from sales
Outflows/Payments: Money leaving the business, wages, bills or advertising
Revenue, Costs & Profits
Fixed Costs: Costs that do not vary with the output of the business e.g. Salaries
Variable Costs: Costs that change with the number of products or services sold e.g. raw materials
Variable Costs = 1 unit cost X Quantity produced
Total Costs: Fixed costs + Variable costs
A franchise is the right given by one business to other businesses to sell goods or services by using it's name
A franchisor is the business giving the rights
'OR' - Originates
A franchisee is the business that agrees to the license by the franchisor
Well known reputation
Higher chance of survival
Lack of control & Start up costs
Motivation Theory
Maslows Hierarchy of needs
Physical Survival - Basic wage
Safety - People to feel safe and secure
Love & Belonging - Encouraging teamwork
Self-esteem - Feel valued by others
Self-actualisation - Set staff target
- Training & Motivated staff is good for a business
The Marketing Mix
Price - High quality, good value
Product - Has attributes and features customers want
Place - Where the business is located and where the product/service is distributed
Promotion - Communication between business and the customers
Interest Rates
If interest rates fall:
Consumers are more likely to spend their money
More likely to borrow money
If interest rates rise:
Consumers are less likely to spend their money
Borrowed money costs more
Just In Case (JIC)
Process you follow to maintain a minimum stock level
Just In Time (JIT)
A business holds no stock and relies upon deliveries of raw materials and components to arrive exactly when they are needed
Owners - Make profit if successful
Shareholders - delegate responsiblity (directors)
Employees - Interested in job security and promotion prospects
Customers - High quality
Suppliers - Cash flow issues
Government - Receive taxes
Community - Noise and pollution
Added Value
Added value is the increased worth that a business creates for a product e.g. USP (Unique selling point), Branding
Added value goes towards paying off a companies costs, this will make the business more profit
Business Cycle
This cycle repeats
Boom - Increase in economic activity
Downturn - Economic activity slows down
Recession - Economic growth is negative
Recovery - Economic activity starts to rise
Commodity Markets - Raw materials i.e. Oil, Wheat, Steel
Normal Markets - Everyday products i.e. Clothes, Food
Marketing - Promoting a business/product
Market Research - Finding information from consumers in society
Employment Legislation
Employees pay is equal
No discrimination at recruitment
Working hours are a limited amount of hours
Employees are protected from unfair dismissal
Recruiting Staff
1) Draw up recruitment documents
2) Receive applications
3) Short listing
4) Selection
5) Training
Customer Satisfaction
Repeat purchase, Premium prices
Unique selling point, Loyalty, Business reputation
Repeat Business:
Easy and convinient
Effective customer service
Good communication
Tax Issues
Small businesses:
Income tax - Tax on income earned by workers
Corporation tax - Paid by Ltd on profits of company
National insurance contributions - Tax on earnings of workers
Value added tax - a tax on the value of sales of a business
Sole Traders/ Ltd
Sole trader
'Increased risk'
100% control
100% of profits
'Reduced Risk'
Control is shared on proportion of shares
Profits are shared
Legal responsibility of business so the owner may lose personal belongings
Owners and the business are seperate legal entities
They can only lose what has been invested into the business
Profit, Loss, Price & Cost
Profits - Revenue of business is greater than the total costs
Loss - Total costs of business is greater than the revenue
'Revenue - Costs = Profit or Loss'
Price & Cost - Charge set or price to pay for products
Impacts of a loss?
Unable to repay loans, bills
Less likely chance of survival
Cash flow issues
Market Mapping
Ways to compete
Higher quality product/service
Special features
Stronger brand image
Better aftersales service
Wider range
Better design
Enjoyable experience
Calculated Risk
A numerical value or probability on a risk
Wider target market
Lower costs
Automated ordering
Customer experience
Website costs
Financial objectives:
Profit & Income
Financial Security
Non-Financial objectives:
Independence & Control
Helping Others
Personal Satisfaction
Entrepreneurial Skills
Planning - Plan of action
Initiative - Pro-active & get the job done
Taking risks - Invest time & capital
Determination - Not giving up
Decision-making - Good judgement
Persuasion - Convinence banks
Leadership - Lead others
Luck - Luck e.g. High sales
Invention & Innovation
Invention - Making new items or finding new ways of making items
Innovation - Bringing a new product to the market, that turns an invention into a product
Patent - Rights of ownership of an invention, design or process
Copyright - Legal ownership of material e.g. books, music & films which prevents copies
Boston Matrix
Branding & Differentiation
Strong branding creates customer loyalty
High quality - premium price
Advertise heavily - large consumer awareness
Product Differentiation
Distinctive design
Blue Skies Thinking - Many ideas to solve a problem e.g. brain storming
Lateral Thinking - Thinking differently to find and get new unexpected ideas e.g. thinking outside the box
Deliberate Thinking - Intentional creation e.g. Mindmaps, lists
Market Research & Data Types
Primary/Field Research - Information no one else has collectes e.g. questionnaires and surveys
Secondary/Desk Research - Information that is collected and already published e.g. reports, newspapers and government publications
Quantative Data - Data that can be expressed as numbers statistically e.g. stock, revenue
Qualitative Data - Data that can be expressed as opinions, judgements and attitudes e.g. Why do people like Heinz Beans?
Exchange Rates
Exporters, tourism, businesses - good
Importers - bad
Exporters, tourism, businesses - bad
Importers - good
'Strong pound imports cheaply, exports dearly'
Product Life Cycle 1
Product Life Cycle 2
Extension Strategies?
Price reduction
Adding value
Exploring new markets
New packaging