Britains Relationship with Europe 1880-1980

Chronology and then Influences of foreign policy events, mainly in Europe but a few internationals.

Split into 8 phases (I find it helps to have phases for chronologial evaluation in the exam)... 1800-1899 // 1900-1913 // 1914-1918 // 1919-1932 // 1933-1938 // 1939-1945 // 1946-1960 // 1961-1980

  • Created by: Vixxx92
  • Created on: 19-05-11 14:43

Phase 1: 1800-1899

(1880: Britain were deep in Splendid Isolation)

1889: Naval Defence Act (Introduction of the 2 Power Standard)

1890: Heligoland - Zanzibar Land Swap

1898: Fashoda Incident

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Phase 2: 1900- 1913

1902: Anglo Japanese Alliance

1904: Entente Cordiale

1904/5: Russo Japanese War

1906: First Morrocan Crisis / Beginning of secret military talks

1907: Triple Entente (+ Russia),

1911: Second Moroccan Crisis

1912/13: Balkan Wars

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Phase 3: 1914 - 1918

Jun 1914: Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo

Aug 1914: Britain declares war on Germany, WW1




Nov 1918: Armistice

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Phase 4: 1919-1932

28 June 1919: Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

1922: Washington Naval Agreement

1923: French Occupation of the Ruhr

1924: Dawes Plan

1925: Locarno Treaty

1926: Germany joins the League of Nations

1929: Young Plan

1931: Japanese Invade Manchuria

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Phase 5: 1933-1938

1933: Hitler becomes chancellor

1934: Germany withdraws from the League of Nations

1936: Italian invasion of Abyssinia

1936: Rome Berlin Axis

March 1938: Anschluss

Sept 1938: Munich Agreement


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Phase 6: 1939-1945

March 1939: German invasion of Czechoslovakia

August 1939: Nazi Soviet Non Agression Pact

Septempber 1939: Outbreak of WW2




1945: End of WW2

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Phase 7: 1946 - 1960

1947: Dunkirk Treaty, Marshall Aid

1948: Brussels Pact, Council of Europe, Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia, Berlin Airlift

1949: NATO, Division of Germany. Devaluation of the British Pound

1950: Schuman Plan for European Coal and Steel Community, Pleven Plan for European Defence Community

1956: Suez Crisis

1957: Treaty of Rome signed (creation of the EEC)

1958: FTA talks fail (EFTA set up in 1959)

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Phase 8: 1961-1980

1961: Macmillan applies for EEC membership

1963: De Gaulle vetoes British EEC application

1967: Wilson applies for EEC membership

1972: Heath successfully takes Britain into EEC membership

1975: British Common Market Referendum

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Influences of our relationship with Europe, Exam Q

The (WJEC) question is very likely to be along these lines:

To what extent was _____________ the most important influence on Britain's relationship with Europe (1880-1980)?

Potential Influences:

Expansion/Maintenance of the British Empire, Preserving the Balance of Power in Europe, Avoidance of War, Fear of Germany, Fear of Facism, Fear of Russia, Fear of Communism, Britiain's declining status, Ethics/Morality, Economic Situation, Imperial/National Price

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beth watkinson



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