RIgid set of guidelines developed around 1920s that strictly policed how morality and immorality was depicted.
Controlled aspects like Crimes, Sex, Vulgarity, Obscenity, Dancing, Profanity, Costume, Religion, National Feelings, Titles, & Repellent Subjects.
e.g. 'No film or episode may throw ridicule on any religious faith'
'Complete nudity is never permitted.'
'Dances which emphasize indecent movements are to be regarded as obscene.'
'The use of liquor in American life, when not required by the plot or for proper characterization, will not be shown'.
Collapse of the Hayes Code came when it was formally laid to rest 1967. Bonnie and Clyde was the commencement of the rebellion that brought down the Hayes Code. The films editing and tone and moral choices of the characters were sharp breaks from the Hollywood norm.
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