beliefs 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Mollie ShawCreated on: 14-05-15 12:09 defenitions EXCLUSIVE: excludes anything that isnt proper religion. proper religions only! INCLUSIVE: anything that may have the same functions as a religion, a football club. BELIEFS: ideas help people understand the world IDEOLOGIES: set of beliefs 1 of 13 functionalism DURKEIM. (toteism) (sacred&profane) MALINOWSKI PARSONS BELLAH (civil religion- not religious thinga=s but perform same functions as religion) functions of religion: social solidarity value consensus emotional support in times of crisis social control harmony and order criticims: ignores bad things. 2 of 13 marxism 1 functions: social solidairty value consensus, rc ideology meaning to meaningless things, why rich are rich and poor are poor social control, controls wc maintains socila order, capitalism religion expolits wc and makes their oppression seem fair. ruling class ideology and wc=false consensue (do not see theyre being expoloited) dulls pain of wc: promises heaven suffering is good (jesus cuffered) god will solve problems out of their control, wc for a reason 3 of 13 marxism 2 social conrtol: conservative force- stops change from happening- durkheim=negative! supports capatilsm and maintains class. peoples class is god given. NEO MARX: religion used to help revoutions and improves wc. 4 of 13 feminsim 1 religion=ideological, social control, bad for society, PATRIARCHAL! functions: social solidairty- stops women wanting chnage value consensus- patriarchal ideology meaning to meaninlgess things- men more pwerful than women social control- controls womens behaviour eg; contreception social order ideology: male dominated view of world all religons are male centred women not allowed to be leaders social control: controls womens bodies and behaviour not allowed same oppurtunities as men 5 of 13 science meta narraitve- one big story. truth CAN be discovered becvause scientific methods are unbiased. unalike religion which is biased!! observation/form a hypothesis/test hypoth=fact! POPPER... falsificaiton(science should aim to refute hypoth) sicnece can not discover truth, only true until something new coomes along-swan story RATIONALIST: disocver true nature of world RELATIVIST: science should not be given any special status, not superior knowledge, just another religion. ATHEISM: unsure cos no proof AGNOSTICISM: dunno if god exists HUMANIST: human values guide behaviuour not religion 6 of 13 PHENOMENOLOGY individual. aciton theory. we create society. micro. provides meaning to social life legitimates norms values and beliefs encorage social action to create change how we contribute to construction of meaningfulk world by actoes. critcism: religion can only be un derstood by seeing the role it plays in society not the role it plays for the indivudal. macro not micro 7 of 13 postmodernism aocietes are constantly changing class/gender/eth is no longer relavant no absolute truths pic n mix:people choose what they wanna believe growth of consumerism- choosinfg belkiefs to suit their needs 8 of 13 social change theory FUNCTIONALISM- Maintains social order and DOES NOT cause change MARXISM- Maintains social order and DOES NOT cause change FEMINISM- Mainatains social order and DOES NOT cause change NEO MARX&WEBER- CAN CAUSE change 9 of 13 churches inclusive ruling calss large scale based on hieraches accept wider societies values born into a church ritual 10 of 13 sects exclusive small loyalty leader reject wider society 11 of 13 denominations smaller than a church tolerant of other groups not as ritual sometimes accept others values but not always, depends what it is 12 of 13 cults 13 of 13
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