Belief system-This is defined generally as "a framework of ideas through which an individual makes sense of the world". This may seem quite vague but it is in fact an umbrella term used to apply to most organised sets of ideas and principals including religions, philosophies and even science!
Ideology-A set of beliefs or principals. While appearing similar to belief systems, an ideology is different as it is a singular term, used to refer to 1 type of belief. For example, democracy, hegemony and capitalism can be defined as ideologies as they are just one set of beliefs. Furthermore, ideology is often seen as a secular term as opposed to belief systems, which is more religious.
Ideologies were described by Popper (1945) as "SECULAR RELIGIONS" as, not all religions are trying to explain the world with a metanarrative, they are also giving moral and personal guidelines on how to live. For example, Marxismis an ideology that advocates hostility towards capitalism and that it is morally wrong.
Just as belief systems are commonly associated with religious ideals, ideologies are frequently connected to political or economic beliefs. Certainly, Marx would have not allowed Popper to call Marxism a religion. He believed that the "sacred" concept, was a social construct, and the only way that people can truly be free is when they have realised this.
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