Beethoven: Melody:
1. Mainly diatonic melodies contain some chromaticism e.g. chromatic scale (25-26) of the 1st Subject.
2. Chromatic scales are used to form the lead into a melody (e.g. bar 69).
3. 1st Subject theme begins with a rising sequence based on a 4-note motif derived from bar 8 of the introduction.
4. Melodies are often repeated, so 1st Subject theme is immediately repeated with full instrumentation.
5. 2nd Subject theme (53) based on intervals of a 4th played semi-staccato before conjunct movement is adopted.
6. Ornamentation is widely used – classical turn (28); appoggiaturas decorate crotchets (2, 4,6 etc); grace notes (40,42 and 44).
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