There is no contract between barrister and client except in direct access cases. Therefore the client cannot sue for breach of contract if they feel the barristers work is not satisfactory. However, the client can sue for negligence in regards to legal advice and negligent advocacy in court.
An unsatisfiend with use the Barristers chamber's in houes complaints procedure initially. If they are not happy with the result of the procedure then they can complain the the Legal Ombudsman. The ombudsman can make a barrister apologise,lower or remove legal fees and possibly pay a fine up to £30,000.
The Bar Standards Board regulate the profession of barristers and will investigate any complaints of breach in the code of conduct. If eveidence suggests there is a serious code of conduct breach the barrister can be fined, suspended or removed from the role as a result of trial before the Disciplinary Tribunal.
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