Baris melampahan 0.0 / 5 ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: CorinnaxoCreated on: 30-03-15 14:16 Background information This piece comes from Indonesia (Bali) which is a culturally rich and diverse place This is a baris which is an ancient ritual dance usually performed by young men demonstrating their military skills Ceremonial occasion- with costume and sometimes weapons This piece is usually 12 minutes long In the modern gong kebyar style: Aggressive style Vivid contrasts Sudden outbursts 1 of 5 Resources (instruments) Kendhang- role of the master drummer playing 2 headed drums. Sets the tempo and cues features such as repeats Drums and cymbals- adds contrasts especially to loud sections e.g. lanang, wadon and ceng-ceng Balunga- one octave metallophones e.g. celung and jegogan and suling (bamboo flute) which plays the main theme Panususan- larger 2 octave metallophones e.g. ugal which decorate and embellish the main theme Gongs- the gong strokes mark the different sections in the music e.g. kempur and kemong 2 of 5 Melody and rhythm/tempo Gamelan is an ensemble made up of percussive instruments e.g. gongs and metallophones Made, kept and tuned together as a unique set Each gamelan is tuned differently and the pitches don't relate to western notation Metallophones are tuned slighty differently in pairs Creates beating effect- ombak (where the same note is played). This gives the music a shimmering quality 5 pentatonic notes of the 7 note pelog scale is used 3 of 5 Texture Heterophonic texture- where different variations of the same melody is played Different versions of the balungan melody is played Core melody- balungan (basis of the music) Gong strokes mark the end of the main sections The music is organised into 4 beat groups (a bit like bars) each called a ketang 4 of 5 Structure Intro- free time from the kendhang Ux2- balungan: core melody Angsel section/loud section- drums, cymbals and panususan instruments are added Page 527- variations in dynamics Shorter sections- kendhang accents offering contrasts by featuring mainly drums and simple versions of the balungan melody Instruments come together at the end of each section on note 6 and the variety of dynamics at letter H 5 of 5
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