


  • Enzymes are biological __________.
  • They have ______ sites which fit to __________.
  • Together they form an Enzyme-Substrate _______.
  • Each enzyme has an _______ temperature and ___.                                                                 For example: Enzymes within the human body are usually ___ degrees. 
  • Enzymes at ___ temperature have low ________ as they are not likely to _____ with their substrate ________.
  • When the temperature is ______ optimum the active site _______ so the substrate cannot fit, therefore enzymes cannot ______ (similarily to ___). 
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Q10 states how the _____ compares. Known as the temperature ________.

Q= Rate at high temp / Rate at low temp 

^Use that to the power of 10/( High temp - Low temp)

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