an animal husbandry principle that seeks to enhance the quality of captive animal care by identifying and providing the environmental stimuli necessary for optimal psychological and physiological well-being
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Goals of Enrichment
by increasing behavioural diversity
preventing or reduce the frequencies of abnormal/negative behaviours
encourage normal behaviour patterns and interactions
increase positive utilisation of the environment
increase the ability to cope with challenges in a normal way
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Aims of the keeper when providing enrichment:
mentally stimulate the bird
minimise or eradicate abnormal behaviours
encourage natural behaviour
encourage the bird to utilise its environment
to ensure we meet minimum welfare requirements
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Why not provide enrichment?
increase cost
increase workload for staff
scientific evidence blurred
more difficult to clean enclosures
increase variability in experimental animals
creates riskier environment for the animal
interfere with breeding
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Types of Enrichment
Mechanical: e.g. climbing frames
Naturalistic e.g., budgerigar peeling bark off the fruit tree perches
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