- Created by: Ellenwhooo
- Created on: 05-05-16 08:46
what it is?
Autism is a condtion that affects a person's social intercation with others, thier communication, interests, and behaviour. This condtion has no cure and is normally developed in childhood.
Main symptoms for Autism is:
- Problems with social intertaction
- Repeated or restricted patterns in thought, interests, and physical behaviours
Main causes for Autism isn't really known but for primary or secondary, what they think that causes it are diffrent. Theses are:
- Primary ASD – where there is no factor that can be identified to explain why the ASD has developed.
- Secondary ASD–where there is a medical condition or environmental factor that was thought to increase the risk of ASD that has been identified.
Physical Impact
Physical impact that a person with Austim will experience is:
- Difficulties with thier sensory input
- Fine-Motor and Gross-Motor skills deflicts
- Being repetititive and stereotypical
- Being compulsive and self-stimulating
- Following a routine that the same each day
Intellectual Impact
Intellectual impacts that people with Autsim may experience is:
- Being distracted from learning because of thier condtion
- Find it hard to concertrate
- They may feel like thier not normal
- May have self hatred towards themselves
Emotional impact
Emotional impact that people with Autism may experience is:
- May find it hard to recognise facial expression and emotions
- May find it hard to copy any facial expression and emotions
- May have problems with controlling thier emotions
- May have a lack of empathy for others
Social Impact
Social impacts that a person who has Autism may experience is:
- won't be able to socialise with others
- they may expirnece bullying from being alienated
- may find hard to make friends
- may react badly towards other if they are in an argument
Financial Impacts
Financial impacts that person with Autsim may experience is:
- if they are an adult, they may have to for thier treatments,and medications
- if the are a child, their parents may have to pay for any support equitment to help
- parents may have to pay for days out for the child
- pay for parking for any appoiuntments at the hospital or doctor's surgery
Is it age related?
Autism isn’t an age related condition.The signs of ASD typically start to develop in childhood mostly betweenseven and 10 months of age . It can also be diagnosed as adult, there is a less percentage of being diagnosed as an adult.
Is it environment related?
Autism is affected by environmental circumstances but this is during pregnancy. These environmental factors could be being born premature, the mother being exposed to alcohol though her pregnancy or medications that contain sodium valproate.
Is it caused by Genetic Preposition?
Genetic linkage analysis has been inconclusive; many association analyses have had inadequate power. For each autistic individual, mutations in more than one gene may be implicated. Mutations in different sets of genes may be involved in different autistic individuals. There may be significant interactions among mutations in several genes, or between the environment and mutated genes. By identifying genetic markers inherited with autism in family studies, numerous candidate genes have been located, most of which encode proteins involved in neural development and function. However, for most of the candidate genes, the actual mutations that increase the risk for autism have not been identified. The large number of autistic individuals with unaffected family members may result from copy number variations.
Is it hereditary?
Autism isn’t a hereditary condition. Cases of ASD have been known to run in families. For example, younger siblings of children with ASD have an increased risk of developing the condition themselves and it is common for identical twins to both develop ASD.At present, however, no specific genes linked to ASD have been identified and there are currently no tests that can screen for ASD genes
Education barriers on the individual
- Autism can affect your education by children with autism are normally sensitive to light, sound, touch, taste and smell. This could be that the schools light are too bright for the child and could affect the child’s behaviour. This could lead the child to disrupt the lessons and may get sent out
- Another way that autism can affect education for someone is that the condition can cause them to be off for appointment with the specialist for autism. This could make them intellectually behind than other pupils in their class because of missing lessons that may have vital information they may need
- Another way that autism can affect someone’s education is that the autism spectrum. This could be the child may have a higher IQ but may have a worst symptoms of autism.
- Another way that autism can affect someone’s education is that they may not be able to concentrate in lessons because of them finding distraction. This could be that they may not concentrate because of them looking outside of the window
Education Barriers on the family
Autism can affect the families education by the child who has autism may react differently.This could be that they may be disruptive in their lesson and they may be seen as a horrid child. The teacher may have a sibling so they may see that they’re the same. This could lead to them getting bullied because of a sibling condition.
- Another way autism can affect another education is that their siblings may feel embarrassed because of them having a condition that is seen as them being intellectually behind. This could be that they may have the worst autism such as them needing a teacher assistant to help them. They may see that as embarrassing because they may see as they friends may say horrible comment.
Employment barrier on the individual
- One employment barrier is that they may not be picked for the job because of their condition
- Another employment barrier is that they may not understand what they have to do when they work
- Another employment barrier is that they may get sensitive to how the workplace’ s light because of their condition.
employment barrier on the family
- Impact of on the family’s employment is that they may have to be off work to go to the family member appointment
- Another impact on family’s employment is that they may have to stop work if their child’s autism is extremely bad
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