the objectives that entrepreneurs may pursue when establishing businesses
how to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan
the reasons why business start ups can be risky
the major reasons why start up businesses fail.
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Reasons for starting a business
To be your own boss (29%)
Develop a hobby (15.3%)
To make money (14.5%)
Saw a gap in the market (11.9%)
Career development (11.5%)
Hard to find a job (10%)
Family Tradition (5.4%)
Other (2.4%)
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Entrepreneurs' Objectives
It is possible to judge the success of a business start up against its objectives.
Possible objectives include:
to have greater control over your life
to develop an idea
to maximise profits
to benefit the community
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Aims & Objectives
Where do you want to be in the future, what is your goal?
What are your objectives - how will you measure that you achieve your goal?
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Business Objectives
The most effective business objectives meet the following criteria:
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Agreed
R - Realistic
T - Time-based
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Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of a Busine
Is there a demand for this product? This is probably the most fundamental issue in assessing a business plan.
What is the competition? How powerful is it?
Has the business planned its cash flow management?For most new businesses cash flow is a critical issue.
What is the experience of the entrepreneur? Successful entrepreneurs have learned much from previous and unsuccessful attempts at starting a business.
Will it make a profit? Although not all businesses set out with the objective of making a profit, this is an important objective for most enterprises.
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Why Business Start Ups Can Be Risky – e.g.
Lack of Business and Management Skills
HR Management
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Why Business Start Ups Can Be Risky – e.g.
May be limited knowledge to forecast accurately.
Raising the capital is hard.
Cash flow problems can easily occur.
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Why Business Start Ups Can Be Risky – e.g.
Inaccurate research can lead to misleading information
Consumer inertia
Small marketing budgets
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Why Start Up Businesses Fail
Poor management. Many analysts believe this is the prime reason for the failure of a business.
Financial problems. These include failure to pay taxes, overspending or cash flow mismanagement.
Lack of demand. A start up business might find that its sales are substantially lower than it had forecast.
External shocks. Small and newly established businesses are particularly vulnerable to unexpected external events such as dramatic rises in oil prices.
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