As unit 2 Edexcel Biology notes on each one of the specification bullet points. 2.5 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? BiologyASAll boards Created by: megan carrie-wilsonCreated on: 18-05-12 15:45 Eukaryotic Cell Complex Includes all animal and plant cells 1 of 4 Prokaryotic Cell simple Includes bacteria and blue-green algae 2 of 4 Comparing Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Larger cells DNA is linear Nucleus present-DNA inside no cell wall in animals many organelles mitochondria present large ribosomes Prokaryotic Extremely small cells DNA is circular Cell wall made of polysaccharide no mitochondria few organelles smaller ribosomes 3 of 4 Ultrastructure of an animal cell 4 of 4