AQA PSYA4 Media Psychology
revision cards for media topic
- Created by: Lorna Kingsbury-Smith
- Created on: 15-06-12 09:56
Attitude Change
Hovland-Yale model
Carl Hovland based at Yale university, investigated the effect of propaganda during WWII
found a sequential model of attitude change based on 'who says what to whom'
who = source
says what = message
whom = audience
4 stage model:
Attention -> Comprehension -> Reactance -> Attitude change
Factors affecting attitude change
Credibility, physical apperance, speed of speech, content, fear, audio-vusial, self esteem & similiarity
+ source factors -> Morton & Campbell
- effect of information source on peers attitude towards unfamiliar child with autism,
- pp's received information from different sources e.g teacher, parent and doctor
- more favourable attitude induced when information came from a doctor -> more credible
+ Audience factors -> Lagartu et al
- tested idea that an effeicent way to deal with low involvement is to make the message entertaining
- used fictional storied to illustrate HIV/AIDS prevention
- found the better the quality of story the more cognitive processing was induced and more favourable attitudes created
+ role of fear -> Meyerwitz & Chaiken
- femail uni students randomlly allocated to one of 3 conditions
loss condition -> emphasis on dangers of failing to self examine
gain condition -> emphasis on positive consequences of self examination
neutral condition -> niether type of info, general facts about breast cancer
- all interviewed after 4 months, found that the group exposed to fear (loss condition) had the greatest attitude change
-> - sample bias -> only females, however only really relevant to them -> men can get breast cancer but not as common
Attitude Change
dual process model -> central & peripheral
careful and rational thinking = central
limited information, cognitive miser = peripheral
taken when the message is personally important, high need for cognition, focus on quality of argument
= longer lasting attitude change
takes when the message is less personally important, cognitive miser (jump to conclusions), focus on contextual cues
= transent attitude change
evidence for 2 routes of persuasion
+ need for cognition -> Haugtvedt et al
central route more effective fof high need for cognition pp's
persuasion in high NC pp's based on evaluation of product attributes
low NC based on peripheral cues
+ real life application -> Vidrine et al
showed its relevance in real life smoking campaign
students were exposed to either fact or emotion based campaign
those with high NC influenced more by fact based campaign
Explanations of effectiveness of TV in persuasion
Hard vs Soft sell
hard sell = presenting factual information about the product (central route)
soft sell = using subtle and creative persuasive techniques (peripheral route)
Product Endoresement
Giles, suggested that celebrities provide us with a familiar face that we feel we can trust because of the parasocial relationships we build up with the celebrity
Celebrities are seen as a neutral source of information
However Hume said that celebrity endoresement does not increase the persuasive communication of the advert
Children and advertising
Martin, meta analysis, found a strong positive correlation between age and understanding of persuaive intent
-> older they get the more they understand and trust adverts less
product endorsement
does it work?? -> Martin et al, found that student pp's were more influenced by their peers rather than a celebrity when buying a digital camera
impact of advertising -> Comstock & Scharrer, found that 80% of viewers left the room or fast forward adverts
adverts only effective when there is a captive audience e.g. in a cinema
Children and adverising
pester power -> Pine & Nash, studied chrismas gift requests in US and Sweden, in Sweden advertising aimed at under 12's is banned. Found that they had significanlty lower gift requests that kids in America
-> peers have found to be a significant factor in persuasion -> hard to find one causal factor between exposre to adverts and subsequent consumer buying behaviour
Media Influences on antisocial behaviour
Huesman & Moise, concluded from their research that there are 5 main ways media violence may lead to aggressive behaiour in children:
1) Observational learning & Imitation
children observe the actions of media characters and imitate the behaviour, more likely to occur if they admire them and they identify with the model
The more real they percieve the behaviour to be, the more they believe the characters are real so more likely to imitate the behaviour exhibited
+ Philips, observed crime statistics 10 days after a televised boxing match and found are significant rise in the number of murders but found no such rise after the superbowl
-> just a coincidence??
+ Badura's Bobo doll studies support the view that children imitate aggressive behaviour
2) Cognitive Priming
Media violence activates existing aggressive thought and feelings, frequent exposure leads to strored scripts which may later be triggered, makes the violent behaviour more likely
+ Josephson, hockey players deliberatly frustrated, shown a violent or non violent film where the actor held a walkie talkie, in a later match the ref was holding a walkie talkie, those who watch the violent film played more aggressively
-> walker talkie acted as the trigger for aggressive behaviour
3) Desensitisation
violence represented as 'normal' -> get used to seeing screen violence, become less aware of consequences, children percieve aggressive behaviour as acceptable
- Cumberbatch, suggested that getting used to screen violence doesn't mean they will get used to it in the real world, suggested it will make them more frightened rather that frightening
4) Lowered Physiological Arousal
Avid watchers of TV violence show lower arousal -> don't react to violence in a normal way, become less inhibited about using violence
- Exctiation transfer model -> media violence creates a readiness to act agressively, transfer aggression to different situations
- cartharsis -> watching TV violence causes a release of emotions
5) Jusitfication
Violent TV may provide a jusitifcation to act aggressively, unpunished violence decreases concern about its consequences
Liss & Reinhart, suggested the aggressive behaviours exhibited by pro social characters provides a moral justification for their violence
Media influences on pro social behaviour
clear evidence of prosocial content on TV -> Greenberg, analysed children programmed in the US and found an equal number of pro and antisocial acts in ab hour
-/+ Woodard, surveyed programmes for preschool children, 77% contained at least one prosocial lesson, howver only 4 of the top 20 most watched contained prosocail lessons
- Kunkel et al, content analysis, found 2 thirds of chiden programmes sampled contained at least one act of violence
Acqusition of pro social norms and values
Major claim of the social learning theory -> learn through obsevation and imitation, pro social acts more likely to represent social norms e.g. manners -> therefore more likely to rewarded
+ Johnson & Ettema, largest effect found when viewed in a classroom and followed up by a teacher led discussion
Developmental Factors
research suggests skills linked to prosocial behaviour develop throughout childhood (Eisenberg), expect developemental differences in degree to which children on different ages are influenced by prosocial acts on TV -> young children less affected??
- Mares, meta analysis, found weakest effect more adolescent and strongest affect for primary school children -> adolescents tend to be more rebellious
Parental Mediation
Austin argued effective mediation involves the parent discussing the programme with the child and explaining key concepts, 2 types; instructive and co-viewing
+ Klosterkotter, parental mediation as enabled children as young as 7 to understand complex moral messages contained in adult sitcoms
- vulkenberg, argued that only certain form of parental mediation e.g instructive mediation are effective
Research into affects of media on pro social behav
Poulos et al, young children who watched an episode of lassie were more likely to help a puppy in distress than those who watched a neutral programme
Self Control
Freidrich & Stein, found that children who watch Mr Rodgers neighboughood demonstrated more obedience to rules and task persistance than those who watched aggressive cartoons
Positive Interaction
Freidrich & Stein, observers watched children at play, counting the number of agressive and positive acts, those who watched pro social programme behaved more positively towards each other
Anti stereotyping
Johnston & Ettema, 7000 9-12 year olds watched freestyle which aims at reducing sex role stereotypes, after 13 weeks there were moderate positive effects which featured counter stereotypes
Effects of video games
Positive effects
Gee, empowers learners, develop problem solving skills, help understanding and encourage independent thinking
Kestenbaum & Wienstein, playing games has a calming effect and helps manage conflict, discharge aggression by allowing open expression of competition
Negative effects
physical -> Funatsuka, provoke epileptic seizures
Mathews et al, short term effect on the functioning of different parts of the brain, 44 pp's randomly assigned to violent or non violent game, MRI scan to see brain activity, found violent game increased activity in amygdala which regulates inhibition, self control and concentration.
Behavioural -> Anderson & Bushman, meta analysis, measured effects of exposure to violent games on 5 variables, found short term exposure to video game violence was significantly associated with temporary increases in aggression
Lin & Lepper, found impulsiveness & aggression related to frequency of computer game use
psychosocial -> Grusser et al, surveyed 7000 gamers and found that 12% were classified as addicted according to the WHO criteria
Shotton, survey in the UK of gamers who were classified as addicted for the last 5 years, found that those who were addicted were highly intelligent, motivated and high achieving people, a follow up 5 years later showed that a high number had done well educationally,went on to university and had high ranking jobs.
Attraction of celebrity
Parasocial relationships
an individual is attracted to another individual, but the target individual is unaware of the existence of the person who has created the relationship
parasocail relationships are appealing because there are few demands and no risk of rejection or receiving criticism
Schippa et al, said that they are more likely to form if they are seen as attractive and similar to the viewer
commonly thought that they are dysfunctional (based on loneliness) -> Schippa et al, found that loneliness was not a predictor of parasocail relationships ->Sood & Rodgers, people who are more socially active and motivated more likely to from this relationship
+ Social benefits -> media characters provide us with models of social behaviour and an opportunity to learn cultural values
-> Perse & Rubin, looked at parasocail relationships with soap opera characters, found that due to the fact that people are exposed to the same characters over and over again, a benefit is a perceived reduction on uncertainty about social relationships
Absorption addiction model
Maltby et al, identified 3 levels in peoples attraction to celebrity:
entertainment - social = celebrities seen as a source of entertainment and social interaction, keep up with news about them e.g read magazines
intense - personal = individuals have intense and impulsive feelings e.g. considering a celebrity to be your sole mate
Borderline - pathological = uncontrollable fantasies and form of extreme behaviour e.g. turning up at their house
Maltby et al, used the Eyesnick personality questionnaire to assess relationship between level of celebrity worship and personality, found ES level associated with extroversion, IP associated with neuroticism (related to anxiety and depression)
-> explains why higher levels are associated with poor mental health
Intense Fandom
Celebrity Worship
defined by the way its measured -> using the Celebrity attitude scale (CAS) (Maltby used this scale to produce the 3 levels of parasocail relationships)
Maltby et al, found that in a sample of 372 people aged 18-47
15% were at the entertainment social level
5% at intense personl
2% at borderline pathological
-> - what about the other 78% -> they not attracted to celebrities??
Cheung & Yue, telephone study of 833 chinese teenagers, celebrity worship linked to lower level of study, low self esteem and less successful identity achievement
Maltby et al, data from 307 UK adults identified scores on the intense personal subscale, predicted both depression and anxiety
Cheung & Yue, teenagers who worship key family members or teachers tend to have high self esteem and educational achievement then those who worship celebrities
-> this is because they have more tangible benefits and inputs into their lives whereas they only have a parasocial relationship with celebrities
Philips, high profile celebrity suicides often followed by an increase in number of suicides among the general population e.g. Marilyn Monroe, UK and USA saw 363 more suicides that average
Sheridan et al, pathological worshippers often drawn to more entertaining and antisocial celebrities, therefore expect fans of more rebellious celebrities to seek and emulate the behaviour -> has negative consequences for worshipper
evolutionary explanation:
1) Availability of partners -> celebrities have higher status = attract more potential mates, enhances reproductive sucess
2) cultural immortality -> become celebrity to pass on genes in another from e.g. songs
3) Gossip -> following celebrities gives you useful day to day information about potential hazards in the social environment
Intense Fandom
Celebrity Stalking
repeated attempts to impose unwanted contact or communication on another person (celebrity)
2 types:
1) develop a 'love obsession' with a celebrity they have never met, have delusional thought patterns
2) develop a 'simple obsession', distinguished by previous personal relationship that existed between the stalker and victim before the stalking behaviour began
modern technology created a new medium for stalking behaviour e.g. sending unwanted texts or emails
people have the advantage of anonymity as there is no face to face contact with the victim, less worried about consequences
Fisher, surveyed 4000 female undergraduates and found 13% had been cyberstalked
Finn, of these 15% had received emails or instant messages that were insulting, harassing or threatening
impact of stalking -> Dressing et al, found that 11.5% of respondants to a postal survey in Germany had been victims of a stalker, many said it had changed their lives:
44% increased anxiety
41% had sleep disturbances
28% developed depression
attachment style -> Tonin, measured stalkers retrospective childhood attachment style and their current style, compared to control group, found that stalkers had more insecure attachments
perceptions of cyberstalking -> Alexy et al, gave students a brief description of a study that ended in prosecution, only 30% of students judged the behaviour as stalking behaviour
-> suggests its not taken seriously compared to other forms of stalking
evolutionary theory -> attention to high profile members (celebrities) can have survival advantage if we learn their behaviour, in order to imitate their behaviour we need access to it, this leads to stalking behaviour