Inspired by a trip to the battle field on the 85th anniversary of the battle of the Somme.
Battle of Mametz Wood was in July 1916.
Placed name is used because people know that it was real, creates sympathy, people may have connections with the people who fought.
Enjambment is used in the poem to reflect the never-ending nature of war.
The poet is looking back at what has happened.
There are themes of: violence, memory and place.
'For years afterwards' creates interest for the first line, represents how even 85 years later it still effects us.
'farmers found' soft alliteration creates a calm atmosphere, juxtaposing the previous warfare the poet is reflecting on.
'the wasted young' a pun for how the soldiers shouldn't have died?
'they tended the land back into itself' nurturing imagery, contrast to what has happened. Suggesting they should have been nurtured more by the Generals?
'the china plate of a shoulder blade' represents the fragile nature of humans and peace.
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