AQA Geography - Energy Content

  • Created by: Catherine
  • Created on: 01-04-13 12:38

Fossil Fuels.

Fossil Fuelsare non renewable source of energy that formed millions of years ago. 

  • Coal
  • Oil
  • Natrual Gas
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  • During carboniferous period 
  • Forest grew in peat bogs
  • Tress died but did not rot (burried in the bogs) -> preserved
  • Over time layers of rock on top compressed the material = moisture squeezed out

= Coal.

  • Shaft mines: used to get coal deep underground.
  • Opencast method: quarries used if coal is closed to surface

Example: Hilly areas thought the UK eg. Pennines, Wales, Highlands.

Example: New Zealand 2010 coal mine explosion.

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  • Microscopic sea creatures died
  • Buried by layers of sediment
  • Sedminets are heavy and compress the remains of sea creatures
  • Heat and pressure turn the organic material into oil
  • This percolates through the rock in the ground towards the surface
  • If trapped by a layer of impermeable rock above = oil reservoir

Example: North Sea, off the coast of Scotland

Example: BP oil spill, 2010

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Natural Gas.

Natural Gas:

  • Forms at the same time as oil
  • It is lighter = lies on top of oil
  • Both Oil and natural gas extracted by drilling deep underground


  • Fossil Fuels are running out = 50 years left
  • increased carbon dioxide in atmosphere = global warming
  • Contains impurities = acid rain
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Acid Rain.

Acid Rain:

  • Sulphur Dioxide and nitrogen oxides produced by burning fossil fuels.
  • Reacts with moisture in the air = acid rain
  • sunlight increases the rate of these reactions


  • 1980s major crisis in Europe and North/East America = loss of forest/ decile of fish stock/ damaged buildings and health.
  • Prevailing winds blow compounds for miles


  • Catalytic converters reduce emissions from cars
  • liming
  • 1988 EU legislation called 'Large Combustion Plants Directive' 
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Renewable Energy.

  • Wood
  • Nuclear Power
  • Biomass/ Biofuel
  • Solar Power
  • Wind Power
  • Tidal Power
  • Wave Power
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Burned for fuel/ heating/ cooking


  • Deforestation
  • Reduced interception from rain
  • Soil mouisture and nutrients washed way
  • Carbon dioxide = Global Warming

Case Study: Burkind Faso, Sahel

  • 90% energy for cooking = wood
  • Consumption greater than growth of trees
  • Alternative fuels expensive
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Nuclear Power.

Nuclear Power:

  • Evenly distibuted - not politics.
  • Fuel efficient 
  • 20% of UK Energy
  • no reactions since 1980


  • Waste disposal
  • Vunerable to terrosist attacks 

Caste Study: Chernobyl, Ukraine 

  • Nuclear disarster 1986
  • 1500 deaths
  • radiation poisioning = birth defects/ cancer 
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  • More variety of crops
  • Carbon neutral
  • Cheap
  • idependant growing 


  • land lost -> biomass produce 
  • Less food -> increase prices 
  • monoculture 
  • big impacts of fertiliser/ pesticides

Case Study: Brazil

  • World leader
  • Use equivalent of 7 million tonnes of oil/per year 
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Solar Power.

Solar Power:

  • Solar voltaic (PV) cells 
  • Daylight -> energy (no need for sunshine - although it increases energy)


  • Waste disposal
  • Expensive
  • Unsightly
  • Hot countries = efficient

Case Study: California, USA

  • Solar power since 1980s
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Wind Power.

Wind Power:

  • 60% of worlds wind power in Europe (on shore/ off shore)


  • expensive
  • Unreliable long-term
  • Sporadic nature of wind
  • Unsightly

Case Study: London Array Project

  • 341 turbines over 4 years
  • off shore and on shore
  • power for 750,000 homes
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Tidal Power.

Tidal Power:

  • Still in experimentation in UK


  • Expensive

Case Study: Severn barrage, UK

  • 15 billion
  • 16km (10 miles) between Wales and Uk
  • Acts as a bridge.
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Wave Power.

Wave Power:

  • Floats in the sea
  • More waves that go up and down (kenetic energy) = more efficient


  • Expensive

Case Study: Isle of Islay, UK

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Trade and Geopolitics.


Some countries have large supply of oil, others do not. Therefore they are reliant on importing from other countries.

  • Demand for oil is increasing because of increasing pop./industrialistaion/ development
  • 2/3 world's oil found in Middle East
  • Conflicts within the Middle East (affect trade)
  • Russia has a stock stock of oil.

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Case Study: Russia and Ukraine

Case Study: Russia and Ukraine:

  • During the 1980s/90s there were many TNCs in Russia
  • 2000 Putin took control of oil -> kicked out TNCs
  • Oil development for 20% of Russias GDP
  • 60+% of export profit 
  • 30% of foreign investments in Russia
  • Countries dependant for Oil and Gas -> Russia can have control and manipulat its power
  • Power over pipelines/tanks -> can cut off to a country easily
  • 2006 Ukriane voted a political party (Russia did not like) = Ukraines gas cut off.
  • Supplies to Europe were affected also. 
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The major energy resources available to produce electricity are fossil fuels near fossil fuelNatural, limited fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas are created from the leftovers of living things. io games

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