AQA english literature poetry conflict
- Created by: charlie
- Created on: 22-05-13 14:03
futility- Wilfred Owen
- each stanza begins with command
- 1st- practical- how to help soldier 2nd- philosophical- creation worthwhile when life ended so quickly?
- 'move him' can't move himself? him could represent all soldiers affected
- about injured probably dead soldier- whats the point in life if its destroyed so easily?France- WW1 battlefields
imagery - 'sun' personified as friend- powerful in beginning as created earth but futile now
- past and present tense- contrast between home and now
- personification of nature- powerful but helpless at war
- philosophical (biblical) and direct language- emotive and challenges reader
effect - sympathy to soldier and frustration of war wasting lives
the charge of the light brigade- Alfred Tennyson
structure - story of battle in chronological order, rhyme creating fast pace and energy of battle
- battle between british cavalry and russian forces during crimean war (1853-56)
- misunderstanding- light brigade charged into valley of surrounding enemies
- russians had guns and cavalry only swords
imagery - rhythm connotes galloping of the horses, powerful noise from cannons, courage- keep going
- repetition- inevitable doom and large chaotic battle
- violent and heroic- give strong sense whilst emphasing soldiers bravery
effect - admiration, disbelief, horror- stupidity but still with honor and respect as they obeyed orders
'come on, come back' stevie smith
- chronological order- last three lines of poem link back to the start- CYCLICAL
- young female soldier vaudevue, returned from battle of austerlitz, injured and lost her memory, distressed and strips and jumps in lake, enemy solider waits to kill but she drowns
- surreal- eerie atmosphere and personfication of river 'seizing her'
- oxymoron but i would say paradox- 'icy-amorous'- cold waters loving way contrast to battle
- repetition- show many people affected by war
- past and future- 'memel conference' conference on killing shows how war is timeless and still serious in future
- impersonal- narraor detached, irony- enemy liking same song, mystery- moonlight(dream?)
bayonet charge- ted hughes
structure - starts in middle of action 'suddenly he awoke', pauses in middle due to confusion, final stanza paniks and trys to run for safety
- experience of violent battle- thought and feeling trying to avoid being shot
- driven by fear and then patriotic ideals he believed before violence, becomes device of war
imagery- nature vs war- 'yellow hare', very descriptive and emotive language, powerful metaphors
language - universal so everyone can relate (he over name), figurative and violent emphasise horror and confusion and fear to reader
effect - terror challenging patriotism (driven by fear instead?), confusion and questioning (futile?)
the falling leaves- margaret postgate cole
structure - long sentence broken by one semi-colon which seperates description of leaves falling and soldiers dying creates comparison leaves and soldiers falling for no apparent reason
- autumn leaves falling reminding poet of young soldiers killed in war
- one sentence means one intense thought- random line lengths represent random leaves falling
- 'dropping'spontaneous, continuous metaphor,
- natural imagery men and leaves compare to snowflakes-continuous process and silence death
language -formal- old fashion adds dignity and gravity to deaths- praising 'gallant multitude'
effect -sadness, calm and reflective tone, regret and respect - no clear reason for death but heroic
next to of course god america i- E E Cummings
structure - 13 lines all within speech marks- fragments of full sentences little punctuation, demotes meaning and adds confusion, last line is in english and describes (contrast to speech above)
- parody of american patriotic pro-war speech, last line- clear its spoken by character not poet
- 14 lines may be to mimic sonnet layout- serious form contrast with words
- panicked speaker- trying to promote war- flawed by an experience? - 'gorry' instead of golly
- words of patriotic songs- speaker knows what to include
- 'lions to roaring slaughter'- powerful- war is inevitable
- patriotic- anti-war poem making fun of pro-war patriots- cliches and over the top slang
- rhetorical- builds up to emotive end
effect - saracsm- mocking speaker, so points unexplained, challenging patriotism, anti-war sentiments - serious issues about death - sincerity of gov. and we are gullible
hawk roosting- Ted Hughes
structure - monolgue ending with confident statement from future- hawks power and control
- hawk boasting about power, most important creature and in control, describes it killing prey violently and could be continuous metaphor for gov. behaviour
- dramatic monolgue- narrators argument direct
- 'hold creation in my foot' hawk carrying earth, makes earth turn, confident and deluded?
- high status, egocentric,- all powerful sun is 'behind' the hawk
language - formal (pride and superiority), personification of humble earth, self-cetred, violent=power
- power and destructiveness, educated look through but the gullible to up to perfection
- arrogance- egocentric and egotistical
flag- john agard
- each stanza the subject is a flag- symbol of patriotism- voice states powers of the flag
- question changes and answer is most cynical (negative view)
- convo. about national flag, naive questioner and sceptical responder, powers of flag explained
- second line in stanza short- blunt and cynical, every stanza rhymes except last- powerful
imagery - of what the falg does- contolling, plays on emotions,inspiring, all powerful and manipulative
- personification- 'outlive the blood you bleed', repetition of question structure- contrasting verbs
- rhetorical question- commands and sarcastic challenge reader- informal questions undermines noble ideas of inspiring flag
- cynicism- mocking how flag overpowers them and leads to war
- contempt- poet criticises how people ignore right and wrong for patriotism and warns manipulation of flag
out of the blue- simon armitage
structure - final four stanzas- urgent- close danger and hope of rescue vanishes (tone and actions change)
- victim of world trade centre 9/11 attack, describes being in burning building addresses someone watching it on tv- pleading for impossible help the only outcome is death
- form is similar to elegy- mournful poem/song - internal rhythm connotes helpless tone
- trying to get people to get a feeling of single person affected by large tragedy
imagery - helpless death, 'bird goes by' usually peaceful but implies he is high up, underwater imagery
- verbs in present continuous tense (-ing)- tragedy happening as we are watching
- questions- asking for help and confused
- despair- narrator tired for signalling help that doesnt come- we are feeling as helpless
- horror and insignificance- too small to be noticed by the huge tragedy
mametz wood- owen sheers
structure - chronological to the present in stanza 5 - thoughtful tone and images of past dont change
- long sentences and enjambment to show sorrow of poem
meaning - french farmers ploughing- find ww1 skeletons- describes death in battle and findings of bones
- written in tercets (3 line stanzas)- thrid person gives detachment and thoughtfulness
- similes and metaphors creat vivid images of farmland and ghostly clips of past
- nature - NATURE VS WAR - 'nesting machine guns'
language - figurative and personification- earth needs healing and guards soldiers memory
- past and present- archaeology mixed with natural images of present- how land has reclaimed lives
- sadness and understated horror- calm and distant but implied- grotesque but gentle tone
- memory- nature so soldiers arent forgotten
the yellow palm- Robert Minhinnick
structure - each stanza linked to next through small associations- emphasises long street connected
- description of seeing violent and peacful scenes as walking through main street in baghdad
- first person ballad - 2nd and 4th lines in stanzas rhyme
- repetition of palestine street gives almost a fairytale image- but ghastly descriptions contrast
- peacful- 'prayers', 'slow and silver', children described and innocent
- horror- 'poison gas', 'blood', personifies sun a ruthless- nature forced into conflict
language - vivid descriptions colours and natural beauty as background for violence, senses- real and vibrant
- implied criticism- reader forced to make connections between imagery and political ideas
- confusion and detachment- contradictions- beauty and violence- makes us draw own conclusions
the right word- Imtiaz Dharker
structure - each of first 7 stanzas- describe yound man in seperate ways, 1-3 ironic searching for correct descritption, 4-6 too complicated to find description, 7-9 real truth and tone relaxes
- suspicious and divided community - different view points lead to violence
- narrator tries to find accurate description of young activist- first seem threatening -end is harmless child
- first person- personal- no pattern reflect difficulty of finding description
- changes between stanzas- dark and dangerous to innocent and friendly
- 'outside'- extremers feel like outsiders and sterotyped when then are just humans
- repetition- keep up atmosphere of suspicion + connotative- nouns and verbs describe each activist with emotional hints
- conversational style- first and second pronouns links to speakers and reader
effect - words can influence attitudes create fear and suspicion, anxiety and desire for reconcilation - sense of acceptance overcoming prejudice
at the border 1979- Choman Hardi ,
structure - beginning uses direct speech- tone becomes more reflective in stanzas 6-7 as poet describes lack of difference between two sides
- someone crossing border back into homeland as child- family sounds helpless and anxious
- adults become emotional about crossing - narrator cant understand why its important when both sides look similar
imagery - peoples views on crossing the border and the imaginary chain to cross- believe everything is so diff. in homeland country
- child-like- short sentences and simplistic language connote- borders unecessary- doesnt understand
- direct speech and passive sentences- real and officials incontrol of people crossing
effect - nationalism and chil-like view- people have feelings manipulated and contrasting logic of child and adults complex emotions
belfast confetti- Ciaran Carson
structure - starts in the middle of an incident with no clear conclusion, stanza 1-2 past to present showing narrator unable to escape from scene
- caught it bomb incident in belfast, attempts to get away to safety, attempts are thwarted by security and confusion
- irregular line lengths, incomplete sentences, ellipsis, enjambent, cant think and interrupted- dead ends
imagery and metaphors describe violence and language in terms of each other- similar damaging effects? and failure to communicate
language - chaotic- questions emphasise confusion and restrictions- lists make reader seem surrounded creating tension
- trapped and harassed by language used by security- thats all he can think
- violen, fear and confusion- emotional reaction, and reported in impersonal ways in news
poppies- Jane Weir
- starts with son leaving then describes what she did after- ambiguous time frame
- images could describe young child going to school
- mother describes son leaving for army and helping him with uniform, emotional reaction, then goes to places that remind her of him
- no regular rhyme/ rhythm - make it sound like someones emotion
- long sentences and enjambment- absorbed own thoughts and memorys
imagery - a son going off to war the same way he would to school- youth and innocence
language - emotional- first person and mothers emotions, metaphors- bereavement (loss) mixed with domestic imagery, birds symbols of freedom
effect - loss, fear, focusses of restraint of left relatives, freedom- contrasting perspectives of mothers feelings and son's excitement
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