Transition metals and their compounds can act as catalysts
This is due to their variable oxidation states as they can transfer electrons
Catalysts work by lowering the activation energy of a reaction by providing an alternative lower energy pathway
Catalysts are not used up in reactions
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Heterogeneous Catalysts
Heterogeneous catalysts are in a different phase to the reactants
The reaction takes place on the surface of the catalyst so increasing surface area increase rate of reaction
Things such as a ceramic honeycomb coated with a catalyst can be used to increase surface area
The different stages are: the adsorption of reactants onto the active site of the catalyst; the reaction of a modified reactant takes place; the desorption of the product
Catalytic Efficiency:
depends on the strength of adsorption
too weak adsorption - modified reactant not sufficiently held on catalysts surface
too strong adsorption - product unable to leave surface of catalyst
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More on Heterogeneous Catalysts
The contact process (production of H2SO4, V2O5 catalyst): V2O5 + SO2 -> V2O4 + SO3 V2O4 + 1/2O2 -> V2O5
The Haber process (production of ammonia, Fe catalyst): N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3
The production of methanol (Cr2O3 catalyst): CO + 2H2 -> CH3OH
Poisoning of catalysts:
a catalyst is poisoned when a substance blocks the active site or is not desorbed
lead can poison catalytic converters
sulphur can poison the Haber process
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Homogeneous Catalysts
The catalyst is in the same state (phase) as the reactants
Example: peroxodisulphate ions and iodide ion
S2O82- + 2I- -> 2SO42- + I2 both reactants are negatively charged so the reaction is slow
Fe2+ or Fe3+ solutions can be used as a catalyst
S2O82- + 2Fe2+ -> 2SO42- + 2Fe3+
2Fe3+ + 2I- -> 2Fe2+ + I2
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This is where the product of a reaction acts as the catalyst for the reaction. This means as the reaction progresses and the amount of product increases the rate of reaction increases.
An example of this is the reaction between C2O42- and MnO4- :
2MnO4- + 16H+ + 5C2O42- -> 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2
the Mn2+ acts as an autocatalyst...
4Mn2+ + MnO4- + 8H+ -> 5Mn3+ + 8H2O
2Mn3+ + C2O42- -> 2CO2 + 2Mn2+
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Other Uses of Transition Metals
Fe2+ in haemoglobin is used to carry oxygen around the body, this is disrupted by carbon monoxide which replaces the oxygen
Cisplatin is an anti-cancer drug which is a complex of platinum, [Pt(Cl)2(NH3)2], it has a square planar shape and prevents cancer cells from dividing
Tollens' Reagent is a solution of the complex [Ag(NH3)2]+, it has a linear shape and is used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones
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