AQA German AS - Expressing Opinions


Positive/Neutral opinions which affect the verb

These will affect the position of the verb in the opinion clause:

* Ich finde es [insert good adjective here], dass...  = I find it [adjective], because...
* Ich bin der Meinung, dass... = I am of the opinion, that...
* Ich glaube, dass... = I believe, that...
* Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass = I am firmly assured/convinced, that...
* Ich denke, dass = I think, that...
* Nach eingehender Überlegung bin ich zu dem Schluss gelangt, dass... = After thorough consideration I have reached the conclusion, that...

Example of verb change: Ich glaube, dass Essen fabelhaft ist.

> Please note that the first opinion is one of the situations where "dass" sort of means "because" as opposed to "that". Don't normally try to use dass as a replacement for weil.

> In the final opinion, PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE "ZU DEM" TO ZUM. This is one of the cases where you can't do that - why? - because German :}

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Positive/Neutral opinions with no verb change

These will not affect verb order in the opinion clause:

* Meiner Meinung nach... = In my opinion...
* Meiner Ansicht nach... = In my view...
* Am liebsten mag ich... = I prefer...
* Aus irgendeinem Grund  = For any reason (for some reason)...

As always, you can also use the basic opinions like "Ich mag, Ich liebe, es gefallt mir, [adjective here] fur mich etc.".


Meiner Meinung nach ist Pizza sehr ungesund.

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Negative opinions which affect the verb

These opinions will change the verb position in the opinion clause:

* Ich finde das nicht, weil... = I don't find (it sounds weird in English) that, because...
* Ich glaube das nicht, weil... = I don't believe that, because...
* Ich bin nicht davon überzeugt, weil... = I am not convinced, because...
* Ich denke das nicht, weil... = I don't think that, because...


Tennis ist Spaß? Ich glaube das nicht, weil es anstrengend ist.

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Negative opinions with no verb change

These will not affect the verb order in the opinion clause:

* Da bin ich anderer Meinung... = I am of the the other opinion...
* Da bin ich anderer Ansicht... = I am of the other view...
* Das sehe ich anders... =  I see it differently...
* Im Gegenteil... = It essentially means "on the contrary"...
* Auf der anderen Seite = Literally "on the other page" (on the other hand)...
* Andererseits = Once again "on the other page" (on the other hand)...
 * Ich muss sagen... = I must say...

Example: Auf der anderen Seite, Quizshows sind billing und nicht imformativ. Please be aware there are a few different ways of saying "on the other hand"... damn German :P.

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viel Danken!

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