AQA GCSE Core Biology [Higher]
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- Created by: KieranFifield
- Created on: 05-05-17 17:57
Diet and Metabolic Rate (Pg. 13)
A Balanced Diet
- Provide the energy you need.
- Balance of the right foods:
- Carbohydrates (release energy); Fats (keep warn and release energy); Proteins (cell repair, replacement, and repair); Fibre (keep everything moving in the digestive system); Vitamins & Minerals (healthy skin, bones, and blood)
Diet Dependence
- Depends on your metabolism
- Metabolism is "the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life."
- Metabolism varies, depending on the person: little exercise = less energy = less fats and carbohydrates.
- High muscle:fat ratio = higher metabolism
- Bigger people = higher metabolism
- Men tend to have a higher metabolism
- Regular exercise increases metabolic rates.
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Factors Affecting Health (Pg. 14)
- Malnourished = unbalanced diet (either too fat or thin, or unhealthy in other ways)
- Excess carbohydrates or fat leads to obesity:Excess saturated fat = increase in blood cholestrol levels
- 20% or more over the recommended body mass.
- Hormonal problems; bad diet; overeating; and lack of exercise all cause obesity.
- Can cause arthritis (inflammation of joints); type 2 diabetes (inability to control sugar levels); high bloody pressure and heart disease.
- Excess salt = high blood pressure; heart problems
- Eating too little = slow of growth; fatigue; poor resistance to infection; irregular periods
- Deficiency diseases = lack of vitamins or minerals (i.e. lack of Vitamin C = scurvy)
- Exercise increases amount of energy used; decreases amount of stored fat.
- You can be fit and unhelathy - physically fit but malnourished.
- Inherited factors:
- Underactive thyroid gland = lower metabolic rates; can cause obesity.
- Blood Cholestrol level = fatty substances in blood (essential); too much increases heart disease chance.
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Evaluating Food, Lifestyle and Diet (Pg. 15)
- In the exam, you may have to evaluate information about how food affects health.
- You may get asked to evaluate lifestyle choices (what you eat and do).
- You must use your own knowledge to answer these questions in the exam.
Watch out for slimming claims that aren't scientifically proven
- Lots of slimming products (e.g. diet pills) and slimming programmes (e.g. the Atkins Diet) claim they'll help you lose weight.
- Look out for:
- Scientific study evidence; qualified author; sample range; other study comparison.
- There has to be a large survey for it to be assured.
- To lose weight, you have to take in less energy than you use:Some claims may also be true, but misleading (i.e. low in fat cereal bars, but no overall effect on health).
- Eat less fat or carbohydrate.
- Do more exercise.
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Fighting Disease (Pg. 16)
- Bacteria are very small living cells
- Small cells (1/100th of you body cell)
- Make you feel ill by: damaging your cells; producing toxins (poisons)
- Viruses are not cells - they're much smallerSkin, hairs, and mucus stop a lot of pathogen.
- 1/100th of a Bacterium
- Replicate themselves by invading your cells to make copies; cells burst releasing virus.
- Cell damage makes you feel ill.
- Skin, hairs, mucus stop pathogen getting in your body.
- Platelets help blood clots appear when you cut yourself, stopping pathogen entry.
- White Blood Cells [WBCs] (part of the Immune System) can:
- Consume them (engulf and digest foreign cells)
- Produce AntibodiesProducing Antitoxins (counteracts toxins produced by invading bacteria).
- WBCs produce proteins [antibodies] to lock on and kill invading cells; only designed for one cell type; antibodies are produced rapidly and kill similar bacterium or viruses; WBCs will recreate these antibodies if person becomes reinfected.
- Produce Antitoxins (counteract toxins from invading bacteria)
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Fighting Disease - Vaccination (Pg. 17)
- Vaccinations - small amounts of dead/inactive microorganisms.
- Carry antigens, body produces antibodies to attack them; WBCs remember the type of antigen and will produce antibodies to rapidly kill invading microorganisms (i.e. MMR vaccination).
- Some vaccinations wear off over time, boosters may be needed.
- Pros of vaccinations:
- Controls a lot of infectious diseases (i.e. Smallpox); prevents epidemics
- Cons of vaccinations:
- Don't always work (don't give you immunity); may have a bad reaction (though this is very rare)
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Fighting Disease - Drugs (Pg. 18)
- Some relieve symptoms, others cure problems.
- Painkillers (i.e. Aspirin) relieves symptoms; antibiotics (i.e. Penicillin) kill bacteria, doesn't stop a virus
- Bacteria can become resistant to Antibiotics (Antibiotic Resistance)
- Bacteria mutate; infection becmes rantibiotic resistant; non-resistant bacteria killed; resistant survive and reproduce; mutations cause serious infections; slow mutations by not over-prescribing antibiotics.
- Investigate Antibiotics by Growing Microorganisms in the Lab
- Grow them in "culture medium" (usually agar jelly) containing carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, and vitamins.
- Hot agar jelly poured into Petri Dishes; when cooled use an inoculating loop to put microorganism in jelly.
- Paper discs soaked in antibiotics and placed on jelly; resistant bacteria survive.
- All equipment must be steralised before use - pass through a flame; lid is used to stop other microorganisms.
- Microorganisms are usually stored at 25C at school - harmful pathogens cannot grow; temperature much higher in industrial conditions.
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Fighting Disease - Past and Future (Pg. 19)
- Semmelweis - observed women dying from puerperal feer after childbirth; doctors spreading diseases through unwashed hands. He told doctors to wash hands - death rates to 2% from 12%. Antiseptic kill bacteria, but there was no evidence of this; nowadays basic hygiene is essential (though MRSA has started spreading)
- More Common Antibiotic Resistance - death rates fallen; overuse of antibiotics means resistance; can't easily treat; big problem in modern world; suberbugs (bacteria resistant to most antibiotics) are more common.
- Bacteria
- Mutate to new strains; antibiotic resistant; can cause epidemic
- Virus
- Mutate often (hard to develop vaccines); huge problem in regard to deadly and infectious virus evolution; vaccines and antiviral drugs could be developed; potential pandemic.
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The Nervous System (Pg. 20)
- Sense organs detect stimuli (change in the environment) - eyes (light receptiors), ears (sound receptors), nose (smell receptior), tongue (taste receptor), skin (touch, pressure, pain receptor); they change stimulus energy to electrical impulses.
- Do not get sense organs (eyes, ears, etc.) mixed up with receptors (light receptor, sound receptor, etc).
- The Central Nervous System (CNS) coordinates the response.
- Organises where information from sense organ is sent, and where reflexes are coordinated (brain and spinal cord only).
- Sensory Neurones carry electrical impulses from receptor to the CNS.
- Relay Neurones carry signals from the sensory neurones to the motor neurone.
- Motor Neurones carry impulses from CNS to the effector.
- Effectors are muscles or glands that contract in response to nervous impulse, or secrete hormones.
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Synapses and Reflexes (Pg. 21)
- Synapses connect neurones; nerve signals transfer by checmicls which diffuse across the gap.
- Reflexes help prevent injury; automatic responses; passage of information in reflex (receptor - effector) is a reflex arc.
- Reflex Arc goes through the CNS - neurones go through spinal cord or unconscious part of the brain.
- Stimulus - Sensory Neurone - Synapse - Relay Neurone - Synapse - Motor Neurone - Effector
- Quicker than a normal response because you don't have to think about it.
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Hormones (Pg. 22)
- Hormones are chemical messages sent in the blood; carried in blood plasma; affects target cells; hormones control things in organs and cells that need constant adjustment; produced and secreted in various glands.
- Pituitary Gland - produces many important hormones such as FSH and LH for the menstrual cycle.
- Ovaries (females only) produce oestrogen, used in the menstrual cycle.
- Nerves:
- Very fast; act for a short time; target one area.
- Hormones:
- Slower; act for a long time; general area.
- If response is quick, it is probably nervous; if a response is long lasting, it's probably hormonal (i.e. adrenaline)
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The Menstrual Cycle (Pg. 23)
- Four Stages
- Day 1 - Bleeding Starts; Day 4-14 - Uterus Lining builds up; Day 14 - Egg Released; Day 14-28 - Wall is maintained, and will break down if no fertilised egg is present.
- FSH (Follicle-Stimulation Hormone) - Produced in Pituitary Gland; causes egg to mature in ovaries; stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen.
- Oestrogen - Produced in obaries; causes pituitary to produce LH; inhibits further release of FSH.
- LH (Luteinising Hormone): Produced by Pituitary Gland; stimulates release of an egg in middle of cycle
- Progesterone is another hormone involved in the cycle - produced by ovaries.
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Controlling Fertility (Pg. 24)
- Oestrogen can prevent egg release - keeping levels high inhibits FSH production, stopping egg development.
- Progesterone reduces fertility - stimulates thich cervical mucus to prevent gamete fusion.
- The Pill (oral contraceptive) - lower dose of Oestrogen than in 1950s, fewer side effects.
- Pros - 99% Effective; reduces cancer risk.
- Cons - Not 100%; side effects (headaches, nausea, irregular menstrual bleeding); doesn't stop STDs
- There's a progesterone-only pill - fewer side effects; not as effective.
- FSH/LH can inject, up levels to produce eggs; Pros - helps women get pregnant; Cons - not 100%; too many eggs.
- In vitro fertilisation (sperm and egg mixed in labs), planted in Uterus once cells grow; FSH/LH given.
- Pros: Infertile couples can have children; Cons: strong reactions, increased cancer risk, multiple births.
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Plant Hormones (Pg. 25)
- Auxin (plant hormone) in shoot/root tips; controls growth to light (phototropism), gravity (geotropism) and moisture.
- Moves backwards to promote cell elongation, occurs just behind the tip. Extra auxin = shoot grow, not roots.
- Shoots grow towards the light (auxin accumulates on shady side)
- Shoots grow away from gravity (unequal distribution of auxins to the lower side)
- Roots grow towards gravity (extra auxin inhibits the growth, so root bends down)
- Plant hormones are used in agriculture (i.e. Weed Killers don't affect crops)
- Rooting powder will allow plant cuttings to grow in soil - good to clone really good plant quickly
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Homeostasis (Pg. 26)
- Ion content, water content, sugar content, and temperature need to be monitored and constant.
- Ions regulated in kidney; taken in by food, absorbed in blood, excess ions removed; lost in sweat or urine.
- Water taken in by food/water; lost through sweat (skin), breath (lungs), and urine (kidneys)
- Cold days = more urine (less concentrated), less sweat; hor days = less urine (more concentrated), more sweat
- Body temperature controlled by brain (enzymes work best at 37C) - own personal thermostat.
- Carbyhydrates put glycose into blood from gut; more exercise = more removed; insulin maintains glucose levels.
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Drugs (Pg. 27)
- Drugs - change body chemistry; leads to addiction; can cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped.
- Medical Drugs (medically useful); Recreational Drugs (fun - legal or illegal); Performance-enhancing Drugs (sport).
- Performance-enhancing drugs include anabolic steroids (increase muscle size), stimulants (increase heart rate); negative effects (high blood pressure); some are illegal, all are banned by sporting bodies.
- Against Drugs: Unfair for an advantage; athletes may be misinformed of risks.
- For Drugs: Athletes have the right to their own decision; drug-free sport isn't always "fair".
- Statins: Prescribed drugs; lower risk of heart/circulatory disease; lower cholesterol; original research by Government (6000 patients); two groups of pateints (statin users and non-statin users).
- Cannabis: illegal drug; varied results into mental health problems; no definite evidence.
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Testing Medicinal Drugs (Pg. 28)
- Stage One: testing on human cells/tissues in labs; cannot test drugs that affect whole body.
- Stage Two: live animal testing (best dosage and toxicity of drug); two mammal restriction for testing (cruel ethically).
- Stage Three: healthy human volunteers; low dose increased over trial; then tested on ill patients; tested in two groups (drug users and placebo - see effects - blind tests).
- Thalidomide (1950s) intended to be sleeping pill but could cure morning sickness; wasn't tested in advance; caused abnormal limb development (could affect the fetus and penetrated the placenta); 10,000 babies affected by thalidomide, half survived; drug banned and more rigorous testing introduced.
- Thalidomide used in treatment of leprosy and other diseases.
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Recreational Drugs (Pg. 29)
- Recreational Drugs - legal or illegal; hard (more addictive/harmful) and soft; all can cause heart/circulatory problems.
- Reasons for use: enjoyment; relaxation; stress relief; sometimes influenced by background.
- Canabis classification: desire to try hard drugs; contact drug dealers; genetic influence.
- Some legal drugs have more impact than illegal.
- Smoking: can cause heart, blood vessel, and lung disease; tobacco smoke causes cancers; nicotine is addictive.
- Alcohol: slows down body's reactions; impairs judgement; can cause liver and brain damage.
- Tobacco and alcohol has bigger impacts in UK; NHS overrun by lung diseases and alcohol crime.
- Sorrow and anguish for people affected directly and indirectly.
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Adaptations (Pg. 31)
- Desert Animals to save water and keep cool: Large SA to Volume Ratio (lose body heat); Water Efficient (concentrated urine, little sweat); Good in Hot Conditions (thin body fat/coat); Camouflage (avoid predators, sneak up on prey).
- Artic Animals to reduce heat loss: Small SA to Volume Ratio (round shape, minimise SA); Well Insulated (thick layer of blubber, energy store); Camouflage (avoid predators, sneak up on prey).
- Desert Plants adapt to little water: Small SA to Volume Ratio (spines instead of leaves reduce water loss); Water Storage Tissues (i.e. cactus stores in thick stem); Maximising Water Absorption (shallow/extensive roots).
- Deter Predators: Armour (thorns/sharp spines/shells); Poisons (i.e. bees and poison ivy); Warning Colours.
- Microorganisms: Some are known as extremophiles (adapted to live in extreme conditions - i.e. volcanic vents, salty lakes, high pressure)
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Competition and Environmental Change (Pg. 32)
- Organisms compete for resources to survive: Plants - light/space/water/minerals; Animals - territory/food/water/mates
- Compete with other/like species (i.e. Red/Grey Squirrels: Grey win the food, therefore Reds are in decline).
- Environmental Change by Different Factors: Living Factors - infectious diseases/predators/prey/food availability/competitors; Non-Living Factors - temperature/rainfall/air or water pollution.
- Change affects populations differently: Population increase (prey increase = predator increase); Population decrease (pesticides/less food/more disease); Population distribution (i.e. temperature)
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Measuring Environmental Change (Pg. 33)
- Measured using living indicators: Litchen (sulfur dioxide sensitive for air pollution); Mayfly Larvae (dissolved oxygen sensitive for water cleanliness);.
- Other invertebrate species adapt to their conditions (i.e. MAggots and Sludgeworms living in high water polution levels).
- Measured using non-living indicators: Satellites (temperature/snow or ice cover); Automatic Weather Stations (atmospheric temperatures/rainfall - use dissolved oxygen meters to measure water pollution).
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Pyramids of Biomass (Pg. 34)
- USUALLY as you move up the pyramid, less organisms are feeding - consider biomass and not numbers)
- Represent food chain: mass of the living animal (practically always pyramid-shaped).
- Bottom bar = producer; next bar = primary consumer, next bar = secondary consumer, etc.
- Need to explain (i.e. Thousands of aphids feed on a tree, then a lot of ladybirds eat aphids, few patridges eat ladybirds).
- Biomass always decreases as you go up.
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Energy Transfer and Decay (Pg. 35)
- Sun energy = energy for all life; Green plants and algae use energy for photosynthesis; respiration produces heat energy - lost into surroundings; food and energy lost through waste.
- Explains why biomass pyramids decrease as you go up (rarely more than five trophic levels).
- Elements are cycled to start of food chain by decay: living things are made up of what they take in (i.e. plants - Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen); elements returned through waste products/death (become broken down by microorganisms - work best in warm/moist/oxygenated conditions); important elements recycled by decay (constant in a sable community).
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The Carbon Cycle (Pg. 36)
- Carbon Dioxide removed from atmosphere by photosynthesis.
- Some returned to atmosphere by plant respiration; some becomes part of pats and proteins in animals.
- Some returned to atmosphere by animal respiration.
- Plants/algae/animals die (or produce waste), detritus feeders and microorganisms feed on the remains/waste, and return Carbon Dioxide to atmosphere through respiration.
- Some products are burnt (combustion) and releases Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.
- Carbon is constantly being cycles, from air, through food chains, and eventually back to the air.
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Variation (Pg. 37)
- Same Species have Differences - different hair/noses/heights etc (variation in species - genetic or environmental).
- Different Genes = variation; parents' characteristics (inherited genes passed on through sex cells (gametes)); mix of genes from both parents (genetic variation, with the exception of identical twins).
- Some characteristics dependent only on genes (i.e. eye colour, blood group, inherited diseases).
- Environmental Variation (environmental influence) - losing toes in piranha attack, suntan, yellow leaves, etc.
- Most factors are a mix of both (i.e. weight, height, skin colour, etc.) - example is that maximum height is determined by genes, but real height is dependent on its environment (i.e. how much food).
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Genes, Chromosomes and DNA (Pg. 38)
- Most cells have a nucleus (genetic material in the form of a chromosome - 23 pairs to carry genes (characteristics)).
- Gene = short length of a chromosome = long length of DNA (coiled up to form the arms of the chromosome)
- Different versions of the same gene (called alleles).
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Reproduction (Pg. 39)
- Sexual Reproduction (genetically different cells) - two different organisms combine genetic information for offspring.
- Produced through gametes; 23 chromosomes from each parent (46 overall/23 pairs); egg and sperm cell fuse.
- Mixture of genetic material inherited from both parents.
- Asexual Reproduction (genetically identical cells) - divind into two; exactly the same genetic information as parent.
- Each chromosome is split down the middle, a membrane forms around each set of half chromosomes, and replicates.
- How all plants and animal grow replacement cells; offspring production (i.e. bacteria and certain plants)
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Cloning (Pg. 40)
- Plants cloned from cuttings (plant good cuttings them to produce genetically identical plants - quick and cheap) and Tissue Culture (few plants cells put in growth medium with hormones; grow to be new plants (clones of parents) - quick, little space, grown all year).
- Animal clones from Embryo Transplant (sperm from prize bull and egg from prize cow; artificially fertilise to split; implanted in other cows to grow into baby calves (genetically identical to parents); hundreds of "ideal" offspring) and Adult Cell Cloning (remove genetic material from unfertilised egg and replace with a complete set of chromosomes from an adult body cell (e.g. skin cell); cell stimulated with electric shock to form ball fo cells; implanted into adult female (surrogate mother) to grow the clone - used to create Dolly the Sheep).
- Issues - reduced genetic pool (no different alleles, vulnerable to disease); may affect health; unsuccessful rates.
- Advantages - greater understanding of embryo development and age related diseases; preserve endangered species).
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Genetic Engineering (Pg. 41)
- Enzymes to cut and paste Genes - cut useful gene from one organism's chromosome using enzymes; cut out of another organism's chromosome and insert the useful gene; used to cut human insulin gene to be inserted into bacteria to produce human insulin.
- Genes transferred into animals and plants - Genetically Modified (GM) Crops have genes modified (i.e. disease/insect/herbicide resistance); sheep modified to produce substances (like drugs) in milk to treat human diseases; Cystic Fibrosis (genetic disorder) caused by faulty genes - gene therapy by scientists trying to stop this.
- Genetic Engineering Controversy - can solve many problems; not overly popular; may cause unplanned problems.
- GM Crops Cons: affect number of weeds/flowers (and insect population), reducing biodiversity; may not be safe; transplanted genes may get into the environment (i.e. superweed which is resistant).
- GM Crops Pros: increase product yield; improve nutience in plants; grown often without problem.
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Evolution (Pg. 42)
- Everything is related in groups: plants make their own food (photosynthesis) and are fixed in one place; animals move but cannot make their own food; microorganisms are different to plants and aminals (i.e. single-cell bacteria)
- Studying all organisms shows evolutionary relationships (similar characteristscs (common ancestor); look alike; evolutionary trees show common ancestors and relationships) and ecological relationships (similar characteristics may mean competition (i.e. for same food source); difference between organisms in the same environment can show predator-prey relationships (i.e. Dolphins (swim in small groups) hunt Herring (swim in giant sholas).
- Natural Selection explains evolution - Darwin's Theory: Differences in genes; better adapted characteristics for environment meant better survival chance = more breeding; advantageous genes passed on to next generation.
- Evolution occurs due to mutations - mutation = change in an organism's DNA; can be beneficial by producing a useful characteristic (better chance of survival and reproduction); passed on by natural selection; accumulate in population (i.e. bacteria and antibiotic resistance).
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More About Evolution (Pg. 43)
- Not everyone agreed with Darwin: against creationism (religion); couldn't give a good explanation (didn't know about genes or mutations until 50 years after the theory publication); wasn't enough evidence to convince scientists.
- Lamarck had different ideas - more use of a characteristic = more developed during lifetime; aquired characteristics would be passed onto the next generation (i.e. rabbit offspring would have longer legs to escape predators).
- Scientists can develop different hypotheses from similar observations - different beliefs (i.e. religious) or influence (i.e. other scientists) or they just think differently.
- Have to find evidence to either support or disprove each hypothesis (i.e. Lamarck and Darwin had different hypotheses)
- Lamarck's hypotheses eventually rejected (no experimental support) - dying a hamster's fur bright pink will not affect offspring fur colour; genetics supported Darwin's idea (provided an explanation of how organisms born with beneficial characteristics can pass them on).
- Darwin's theory is now accepted because there's so much evidence for it.
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