Animal and plants are mulicellular meaning they are built of many cells that are organised in our bodies.
CELL - basic building block which can become specialised to (e.g. : muscle cell) perform a sepcific function
TISSUE - a group of similiar cells working together
(e.g:heart muscle)
ORGAN - different tisues working together at a specific funtion
(e.g: heart)
ORGAN SYSTEM - group of different organs working together at a specific funtion
(e.g: circulation)
Examples of animal tissues
Muscle tissues - able to contract to bring movement
Glandular tissues - produce subtances such as enzymes and hormons
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Animal organ system
Digestive System
Organs work together to form organ systems
The digestive system has two major functions :
Digestion - the break down of food using enzymes released by the glands
Absoprtion - where useful molecules are taken from the gut into the blood
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1. What does multicellular mean ?
2.Name three organs in the human digestive system
3.What is the difference between and organ and a tissue
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Plant organs
Plants are organised into tissues, organs and organ systems
Organ Function
Stem Supports the plant
Transports molecules throught the plant
Leaf Produces food by photosynthesis
Root Anchors the plant
Takes up water and minerals from the soil
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Plant Tissues
Organs of plants are made from tissues:
Epidermal Tissues - form a covering layer over surface of plant
Mesophyll tissue layer -inside the leaf, contains cells with chroloplats to carry out photosynthesis
Phloem tissue layer - form long tubes through the lant to transport sugars frim the leaves to other parts of the plant
Xylem Tissues - made of hollow cells with strong cell walls. The cells are stacked one above the other and form a long tube through plant. It is found around the edge of the stem. These cells carry water from the roots to the leaves and help support the plant
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1. Name three tissues of a plant
2. Which tissues are involved in transport in plants ?
3. How is xylem adapted to carry out the funtion of transporting water ?
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