Animal Training - Reviewing Training 0.0 / 5 ? OtherAnimal ManagementOtherOther Created by: Becky_BerryCreated on: 05-03-21 15:45 Reviewing Training the training process is a cycle of assessing, planning, and reviewing training S.P.I.D.E.R. set goals plan implement document evaluate re-adjusting 1 of 3 Evaluating - why? we need to make sure we regularly review our training to: avoid stress we can spot signs of stress we may of previously missed make sure we are making progress spot errors in our technique can be difficult if working alone 2 of 3 How? can use video - great as objective and you can watch as many times as you like have an observer - a colleague to watch and feedback use review sheets completed after every session 3 of 3
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